TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
I am energetic, hardworking, visionary, positive, eco-friendly and motivated person...I love to work with (young) people. The non formal education gave me lots of opportunities to develop myself on the way of building a good career.
Kamran Mammadov has 3 references for past work as a trainer.
CEO / Founder at
✔ 06 March - 14 March / Fulltime Trainer in “Unemployment”International project organized by the “Ministry of National Education in Duzce” in Akcakoca, Turkey
✔ 22 Feb - 29 Feb / “SYSTEM” International Training Course organized by the “E.P.A” Association in Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina
✔ 20 May - 24 May / APV meeting for the preparation of SUN RISE youth echange project which will take place in Overhalla in Norway by the financial support of Norwegian NA within erasmus+ programme
✔ 11 Avqust - 19 Avqust / I implemented an international “Art and Sport hand in hand” youth exchange project under Erasmus+ programme financed by European Comission in Ganja, Azerbaijan.
✔ 10 April - 17 April / Beliefe in the Future‖ International Training Course in Savaneti, Georgia
✔ 18 November – 23 November / Fulltime Trainer in “Act Together For Equal Participation” International Seminar organized by the “Great Silk Way” International Youth Union in Baku, Azerbaijan
✔ 17 August – 28 August / "Intercurtural Sports" Youth Exchange in Gorenja, Slovenia
✔ 6 July – 13 July /“ Co-trainer in "European Citizenship" Training Course in Kabuleti, Georgia
✔ 2012 / Educational EduChange Internship in (General International Relations) at the University of Genoa in Italy
✔ 14 October - 20 October / "Eastern Express" Training Course in Predeal, Romania
✔ 9 September - 14 September / “Play Your East Part II’ Contact Making Seminar in Odessa, Ukraine
- Moscow State University of Mechanical Enginering / Economics
- I was invited to more than 60 international Seminar, Coneference and training courses which I have listed some of the important events here:
S&P Training Centre supported by Cambridge Institute of England
- ''XXI Century'' foreign languages academy as well as numerous certificates within this field.
- Graphic Design Academy in Ganja!
-“Create a business and lunch your own business” course,
Viator Microcredit and the Norwegian Humanitarian Enterprise, organized by the International Labour Organization, "Start and improve your business 'program' Business Idea Create and Start your own business course
Motivational / Inspirational
This profile was last modified on 2024-12-31