TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
Nature, challenging circumstances and diverse human mixture - this is my preferred training field. Self-development is then what I train myself in, and I enjoy offering others an opportunity to join the ride and be amazed by themselves and own capacities during the process. I am passionate about discovery of all kinds: in non-violent communication and coaching, in outdoor, in social enterprise, in environment, in culture, in body movement, in storytelling, in healthy life style or media.
Marija Wazi has 7 references for past work as a trainer.
personal development trainer - free lance
My own multicultural background, integration in a different country combined with interest in other cultures and active use of several European languages led me to being involved in international programs as self – development trainings, youth exchanges, conferences for social workers or e-learning with students from universities abroad. I have delivered training courses focused on personal development (e.g. Unique and United, Get Creative, Empowering the Youth), on communication and coaching (Compose your Competences, Spectrum-Coaching training), healthy life style and outdoor (Empower, Closer to Nature), social media (Initiate) and media for non-hearing (Eco Sign), social enterprise (Design your Enterprise) and creative writing (Story to Tell). I am also involved in minorities and refugee topics and have organized and delivered youth exchanges in this field. In all the mentioned above I plan to continue as well in the future, at the moment starting to focus more on sustainability and recycling as well. I am developing 2 NGO that I want to grow also further on, focused on inclusion and diversity in society. Apart from Czech Republic, I have long-term lived and worked in non formal education in Netherlands, Romania and Australia.
My interests brought me to the area of social structure and functioning of society and media used in it. I have Bachelor's degree in Journalism & media and Master's in Social Politics & Work and I have been working as a journalist in a Czech newspaper Brnensky Denik and as a social worker in several NGOs in my country. At the moment I am enrolled in PhD of Social Politics and Work at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic and focusing on involvement of disadvantaged youth in society. Thats about formal education, which I see as a source of shared and expanded knowledge and connections. In non-formal world I am joyfully active since I was 14: tutoring, leading summer camps, volunteering including 1 year of EVS, taking part as a team member in various initiatives such as campaigns for human rights and fair animal treatment, e-learning, mediation or youth work as a youth leader and completing NLP master course. This exploration brought me lots of insights, more curiosity about differences and understanding of European society with its strengths and gaps.
This profile was last modified on 2017-06-18