TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Nerijus Kriauciunas
Appetiser aimes to give a strong positive first experience of international youth work and motivate participants to use Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
“Appetiser” is designed according to the following objectives:
• To taste non-formal and intercultural learning
• To enjoy the first intercultural youth project experience
• To exchange local youth activities in the international context
• To explore possibilities of support available for international youth activities offered by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
• To analyse examples of qualitative youth projects supported by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
• To see how to benefit from international context in participants local work practice.
This course brought together 29 youth workers/
leaders experienced at local level youth work. Participants were coming from 18 European countries.
The core of the programme is comprised by the concepts of non-formal education/learning and intercultural learning. Participants‘ active involvement and participation in the learning process is promoted, encouraged and supported by active learning methods.
A special focus is given to the presentation of good practices; projects of
high quality that have been realised with the support of the Erasmus +: Youth in Action Programme and its previous editions. Information sessions offers knowledge and explanations on the details of the programme.
A natural space for the development of cooperation is offered and participants are encouraged to make use of it.
The two main pillars of Appetiser training course; Intercultural Learning (ICL) and Non-formal Learning (NFL), all the participants have marked their learning above 4 points, which is a great achievement for the training course. Out of these high scores, only 3 (NFL) and 4 (ICL) people scored 4, while 26 (NFL) and 25 (ICL) people scored either 5 or 6. Looking at these results, it is possible to say that the highest learning happened regarding NFL and ICL compared to the knowledge before the course.
Some of the comments by the participants are as follows:
> My personal growth is most noticeable in the field of non-formal learning. After this session I feel fully confident of my knowledge and experience in it.
> I feel a lot more confident in the future development of any project I’ll get to. Thank you. I appreciate the organization of this training so much. It has helped me understand that working not only within the borders of Slovakia is not as impossible, as I believed it to initially be. Partnering up with other countries will make the youth (me included) broaden their knowledge not only on local but also international issues, most of the time very common in both.
> I have learned the actual intention of the Erasmus+ programme, which is a huge thing for me. I am truly ‘appetised’! Personal needs: Didn’t realize it at first, but after each exercise I had an A-HA moment.