This is a reference for Karen Pong

Conflict Resolution through Dialogue

The training activity took place
in Yerevan, Armenia
29/03/2017 - 05/04/2017

Aims & objectives

The project aims to empower and equip young leaders and youth workers with negotiation, intercultural communication, diversity management and conflict resolution skills on personal, interpersonal and organizational level to contribute to the culture of peace and cooperation.
• Equip participants with interpersonal communication and negotiation skills
• Explore tools, approaches and attitudes for effective conflict intervention and resolving seemingly intractable disputes on all levels (personal, organizational, community and country level)
• Develop and promote intercultural competencies and diversity management skills for youth work in multi-cultural environments with high conflict risks. Encourage participants to see diversity as an opportunity for value creation and cooperation.
• Promote active citizenship and non-violent actions towards peace and democracy.
• Promote the non-formal education approach as a powerful method for dealing with conflicts
• Promote EU programs and opportunities for youth.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

22 participants from 6 countries (Georgia, Croatia, Armenia, Greece, Bulgaria and Russian Federation)
*Participants profile:
Participants need to be aged over 20 years old.
We will not be able to invite anyone under this age bracket.
Have experience as a volunteer/youth-worker/educator/coordinator of an NGO, working
with young people, or having being involved in a social initiative or any youth movement.
Have basic knowledge in the fields of conflict transformation/resolution at regional or international level.
Interested into using the project’s outcomes, to raise awareness of their local societies
Sufficient knowledge of English language, in order to be able to follow the training course & to contribute to the multiplying effects, of this project.
Able to contribute with active participation, throughout the project.
We suggest you to take into consideration gender balance during the process of selection of candidates for this TC. Off course, this doesn’t mean that you have to adopt low criteria for participants just in order to select both genders.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal education tools and methodologies. Simulations workshops, conflict analysis skills, teambuilding, icebreakers, group work, reflection groups, visual tools, theatre of the oppressed, living library, energisers, discussion, negotiation skills.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved its objectives. The final evaluation and online evaluation done by participants were the revelation of this. They showed the success of the training as participants' feedback was generally good and they expressed satisfaction with their learning experience. Some participants have already integrated the learning material acquired from the training, such as conflict analysis tools, in their daily work. The organisers are currently drafting a report for the activity. It will be available soon.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the lead educator. The team consisted of one trainer and two facilitators. I created the educational content and designed the daily programme. I created e-learning tasks to be completed by participants as prep-work before the activity took place, which was an integral part of the training course. I facilitated daily sessions and coordinated the programme - making adjustments where necessary, in terms of structure and content. I created session outlines and relevant materials for the sessions and provided guidance to the facilitators. I facilitated reflection groups. I created the final evaluation form and conducted the evaluation.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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