TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Laura Pierfelici
Youth Policy Sector of Ancona Municipalità has years of experiences on the realization of activities for youth aimed to support the mobility and the European awareness of the youngster. Through this training course the Municipality aimed to develop compentences of his youth leader on leadership, intercultural learning, non formal education methods and problem solving within intercultural projects.
Target group: 30 youngster between 20-33 years old interested on developing competences as youth leader of youth exchanges.
International team of trainers from Spain, Turkey and Italy.
Non formal education methods like energyser, human bingo and teambuilding, Small working groups, plenary and buzz groups, simulation activities, debates and case studies.
Here below some examples:
Problem solving: case studies, theatre of the oppressed and debates
Intercultural activities: simulation activities, debates and presentation in plenary of concepts and challenges
10 applications for international youth exchanges were submmitted by participants
7 participants became active group-leader for international youth exchanges in 2011
I was the trainer’s coordinator, responsible of the training content and i was trainer in all the sessions in teamwork with the following trainers:
Daniele LUCARELLI (Italy)
Andres ABAD (Spain)
Emanuele NARGI (Italy/United Kingdom)
Zeynep Tugce CIFTCIBASI GUC (Turkey)