TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ahmet Öncel
Nowadays, youth of Europe have many problems about their social, cultural, professional life. Our main idea of developing this project is; promoting intercultural dialogue, youth work, development of young people, social-cultural problems of youth and create a mutual working and understanding atmosphere between different cultures through art and intercultural learning methods; non-formal education methods. Young people will have experiences about other cultures, different life styles, art, different geographies, different languages and different non formal learning methods.
This project will be held in Akehir-Konya on 11-18/06/2012 to bring together 35 participants from different countries (Azerbajcan, Greece, Macedonia, Spain, Egypt, Czech Republic,Turkey) Host organization of this project is AKYORDER Non Governmental Organization and other 6 NGO from different countries are partners of project.
Participants will take part in many different activities like intercultural activities, art activities, nomad life activities, camel caravan activity, city and village visit and communication with local community. At the end of the activities, participants will have opportunity to take part in a national culture festival which is held since 1997 and this year it will be 16th Nomad Culture Festival. Every year about 20000 visitors, 150 artist, ( Music, Folk, Photography, Theatre, Handcraft, Movie, Drawing and Documentary) more then 100 governmental authorities (Culture and Tourism Minister, Foreign Minister, members of parliement and many municipality authorities) visit festival. We will prepare a final presentation and our presentation will take part in the programme of this festival. The presentation will give a good opportunity to our participants to present their cultures to festival visitors.
A crazy game in a village
A tv programme
Folk Dance Caravan
Child Games
Short movie and theatrical performances
Cultural nights
City Visit
Meeting with camels, tent and nomad life
National Nomad Festival (We will do a presentation to 20000 visitors)
Some other suprise activities!
Youth from Egypt, Azerbajcan, MAcedonia, Spain, Czech Rep., Greece, Turkey.
Outdoor activities,
Video and Theatre,
Tv programme,
Presentation in a Festival
Team building,
Knowng eachother,
Tv show preparation
Cultural activites directing,
Theatrical shows
Video preparations
Scavenger Hunt Game