This is a reference for Aiste Slajute

Education trumps hate: toolbox for human rights educators

The training activity took place
in Glencree, Ireland
organised by Eurobug, International Youth Work Trainng and Collaboration Limited
21st-29th August, 2017
Reference person

Alessandra Coppola

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

he main aim of ‘Education trumps hate: toolbox for human rights educators’ training course was to equip youth workers and youth leaders with a new set of tools, methods, knowledge and skills to deliver human rights education activities in ‘day to day’ work practices and to fight against the rise of violence, racism, extremism, xenophobia, discrimination and intolerance.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This TC was designed for Youth Workers (paid and volunteers), Youth Leaders, Project Managers, Junior Trainers and Facilitators, and On-line Activists in the field of non-formal education and youth coming from Ireland, UK, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Lithuania, Belgium, Montenegro, Slovenia and Malta.

Training methods used & main activities

This training course was based on the non-formal learning methodology: learning from ‘hands-on’ experiences, self reflection and self assessment, experiences and expertise shares, as well as theoretical inputs, guest inputs and discussions.

The was four specific areas of focus during ‘Education Trumps Hate’ training course:

1. Defining Human Rights Education in the national and international youth work context;

2. Introductions and ‘hands on’ practices with ‘Bookmarks’, ‘Compass’, ‘We Can’ manuals and a board game ‘Wedi’;

3. Sharing the best practice examples of human rights education within the youth work sector in participating countries;

4. Networking and developing future collaborations. Links to No Hate Speech Movement campaign were made where appropriate.

Outcomes of the activity

As a result of taking part in this training course participants gained knowledge about the democratic citizenship and human rights education on local, national and European levels; familiarised themselves with human rights education history, development and terminology; learned about the human rights education in the context of the Council of Europe and European Union; up-skilled themselves with practical tools that can be used in human rights educational activities for young people. As well as that, the Erasmus+ and European Youth Foundation programs were covered as a possible source of funding to access when developing national or/and international human rights educational activities in the youth sector.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was preparing, running and evaluating the training, as well as coordinating the whole trainers team. So basically involved from the idea and creation of the application to the final reports, working together with my colleagues.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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