TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Ahmad Khallaf
To train youth leaders, social workers and young activists living in countries of the Mediterranean region to explore and understand the situation that young people are experiencing in the contemporary days; The current challenges that young people are facing in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the effects of
the globalization, migration, climate change and environment damage, discrimination, unemployment, gender discrimination, political repression, etc. and how they can take actions in order to face these problems in the future.
The main theme of the training course
is youth policies and urban/rural
- To promote active citizenship among young people,
- To develop solidarity and to promote tolerante among young people,
- To create a mutual understanding among young people from different countries,
- To contribute for the development of quality of Systems that support activities in the field of
- To promote European cooperation in the field of youth,
- To promote the sharing of best practices in the field of youth work.
30 young leaders from 6 countries (Egypt, France, Italy, Morocco, Palestine and Spain)
- power point presentations,
- peer-to-peer learning and group work,
- simulation activities,
- debates and share of best practices.
- Participants became aware of the current challenges youth in the participating countries face about their youth policies and what's the effect of Arab spring on the Euro-Med area and Women current rule in making change together with Environmental awarness
- Submitting papers of youth policies from the participating countries to Council of Europe
- Responsible for Non-Formal learning of the course
(Ice breakers, Energizers and interactive games)
- Co-organizer for logistics and Coordinator for the Egyptian team