TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Kristina Cernousovaite
* Description: The main aim was to set up a European-wide cooperation of organizations and individuals working on gender issues. Objectives: raise awareness on existing gender inequalities; promote an active European citizenship; exchange best practises; explore differences in the EU member states; develop further projects on the field of gender equality; promote women’s inclusion and participation in decision-making processes at EU level. During the seminar youth workers from different countries have shared their experience and knowledge on gender inequalities and defined the needs and possibilities of a European network. During the seminar were developed future projects and tasks for such a network by exchanging good practice.
* Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team: Target group of this seminar were young people, youth worker, Young Greens from different countries, The seminar was organized within the Youth in Action program and gathered 18 participants from Spain, Finland, Germany, Austria, Romania, France and Belgium. The pre-team consisted of trainers form different countries and different cultural backgrounds such as Macedonia, Spain, Belgium & Lithuania (me).
* Training methods used: During the training seminar were used Non-formal education methodology; the methods - working in smaller groups, plenary discussions, simulation games, theoretical inputs, open space technology and insuring active participation of all participants on each stage of the program.
* Outcomes of the activity: Was established networking on gender equality issues between young greens from different European countries; was established coordinating group of before mentioned network; developed new projects that would foster the cooperation and develop the knowledge and common activities; plans to develop series of activities for next two years.
* Tasks and responsibilities: I was a member of a prep-team and one of 4 trainers of this project. We designed a program, after that I was responsible to prepare and run several sessions.