This is a reference for Evi Koutsospyrou

Evaluation Meeting/Conference "Whassup with You(th exchanges)"

The training activity took place
in Vila de Marleleira, Portugal
organised by Portuguese National Agency in cooperation with Danish, Finnish, Belgian National Agencies
26-30 June 2013
Reference person

Jo Claeys

(Coordinator )
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Evaluate the youth exchanges you have implemented in a very international group of youth workers. Exchange good practice, became aware of bad practice and become a master of practices.

Reaching the end of the YiA Programme, this evaluation meeting/seminar intends to gather
experienced promoters to make together an impact assessment of the use of youth exchanges on the young people involved, as well as the local communities affected by these exchanges.
• Share good and bad practices in relation to youth exchanges (=YE)
• Evaluate the impact of YE strategies on the involved young people
• Evaluate the impact and involvement on local community through implementation of YE
• Evaluate the compatibility of other YiA actions combined with the strategic use of YE
• Evaluate how YE have promoted European citizenship-awareness for young people and local
communities involved
• Create an online document with summary of the findings and recommendations

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

• Experienced Action 1.1 / 3.1 promoters, having used YE as a strategic tool over the past years
• at least 18 years old or older
• English is the language of the meeting
• 30 pax
• 3 participants selected from each of the following countries: Portugal, Finland, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium (French speaking part) and Norway.
• 3 participants selected from each of the following regions: EECA, SEE and MEDA

Training methods used & main activities

Non formal education methodology and evaluation methods for long term processes.

Outcomes of the activity

The Evaluation meeting resulted to a booklet which is already uploaded in Salto Toolbox by our coordinator trainer:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the co-trainers in a triple international youth trainers' team.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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