TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Konstantinos Stergiou
Aim: To support 18 young people to assess their European Voluntary Service (EVS) experience in Cyprus.
• To support the participants evaluate their EVS projects.
• To acknowledge competence development and personal achievements.
• To exchange ideas and good practices and to make future plans.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, France, FYROM, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Ukraine
Non- formal education methods such as:
Team- building exercises, simulation games, Forum theater, interactive workshops, career guidance, info- sessions, energisers, ice- breakers.
The activity offered the participants a vital space for personal and group reflection as volunteers and as individuals. This way they assessed their EVS experience that far, acknowledged their competence development, celebrated their achievements and made plans for the future.