This is a reference for Rosario Rossi

Evs trainers' meeting

The training activity took place
in Delémont, Switzerland
organised by Ch Stiftung- Swiss National Agency of Youth in Action programme
23rd – 26th April 2014

Aims & objectives

Aim of the seminar
The seminar offers an open platform for trainers involved in Evs training cycle to share their experience and best practices to improve the quality of the Evs trainings in the frame of the new Erasmus + programme.
❏ to offer possibility to exchange ideas and best practices in implementation of EVS trainings cycle (on-arrival trainings and mid-term meetings) and other training activities related to EVS (pre-departure trainings, Evs annual events, training for mentors and organisations)
❏ to support possible synergies between different countries' EVS training cycles;
❏ to discuss the EVS training cycle with regard to Erasmus+
❏ to network among EVS trainers from all Europe and beyond;

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

48 trainers involved in Evs training and evaluation cycle coming from 27 programme countries and 2 regional SALTO pools.
Team was composed by Kristi Jüristo from Estonia and Saro Rossi from Italy with the support of Barbara Schmitt, Swiss NA, Dora Csoka Hungarian NA, Tomasz Szopa, Salto EECA

Training methods used & main activities

Seminar was designed as a meeting or forum of practitioners to create a learning community and a space for sharing, discussion and inspiration.
Therefore participants were encouraged to take initiative and they actually influenced a lot the content and the outcomes of the forum.

Outcomes of the activity

- A detailed mapping of the different practices and methodologies used by the trainers' pools in different countries.
- 11 different workshops run by trainers producing several proposals to reinforce the cooperation between different pools in the context of new Erasmus plus programme.
- 1 official document for Nas about Evs trainers needs and wishes

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the facilitator of the event together with Kristi Jüristo

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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