TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Musa AKGUL
The aim of the programme was to promote intercultural dialogue with a special focus on youth work at European level, by bringing together young people from different backgrounds and countries. This approach contributed to an active, critical understanding of one’s own and of other people’s culture. The programme also encouraged an interest in history, politics, culture, geography, religion and everyday life in the host country. This gave participants the opportunity to brush up on a foreign language that they already knew a little about whilst being involved in a non-formal education environment.
The team was composed of 7 people from three different countries. Three of the team members were responsible for the language course and the rest implemented the sessions on ıntercultural Dialgue and Youth work.
Intercultural competence and foreign language skills are essential preconditions for youth mobility, for the development of international activities and for increased youth participation. This course put the improvement of foreign language skills at the service of youth work and intercultural dialogue through non-formal education. The learning was based on “experiential learning” concept and the program design and methodology were based on non formal education approach. The program was also based on peer learning as much as possible, by creating chances to use the group itself as a resource to maximise the learning. Therefore, during the design of the program, the space was given to small group work, discussions, field visit and simulations, in the workshops organised.
Throughout the course, participants developed and strengthened many intercultural (dialogue) competences such as tolerance, respect, empathy, communication, tolerance of ambiguity, knowledge about other cultures, feedback, stress management, autonomy, dealing with conflicts, co-living, languages, etc.
Participants deepened and got the knowledge about European youth work through sharing how they work in their organisations and getting an overview on youth policies of CoE and represented countries. The “presence” of the Council of Europe in all parts of the programme was very strong and participants have good understanding of its work and role in modern European youth work.
Participants learned a number of theoretical concepts related to youth work, intercultural learning and dialogue.
I was the coordinator trainer of this training course and I was responsible for the general planning and implementing the whole programme. I took part for 19 days and also was responsible for delivering the sessions by using Non-formal educational approach and also to prepare the final report.I was also present at the first prep meeting from on 13-15 May 2009 in CEJ, Strasbourg, France (3 days), second prep.meeting on 11-12 July 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (2 days) and the evaluation meeting on 1-2 August 2009, Trabzon, Turkey (2 days).