TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Pieter - Jan Uyttersprot
• To develop participants’ competences in developing and running a youth project for social inclusion based on intercultural learning, human rights education and participation;
• To familiarise participants with European youth programmes and policies (Council of Europe and European Commission) and the values, mission, structure and ways of working of the Council of Europe and in particular the Directorate of Youth and Sport;
• To concretely address situations of conflict and exclusion of young people living in multicultural disadvantaged neighbourhoods through non-formal education and youth work projects by the course participants;
• To explore and develop conceptual and practical means of translating intercultural dialogue into the realities of youth work;
• To identify and try out criteria for innovative youth work projects with young people at risk of exclusion and violence;
• To initiate, support and evaluate up to thirty five innovative pilot projects with a high multiplier effect across Europe;
• To share knowledge and experiences on challenges to human and social rights faced by young people in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Europe;
• To support the implementation of cross-sectorial and interdisciplinary youth work and youth policy by associating local authorities, youth research and youth policy development to youth work;
• To contribute to the recognition of youth work and non-formal education at local and national levels;
Nadine Lyamouri Bajja Educational advisor CoE
Athanasios Krezios Greece
Alexandra Raykova Bulgaria
Matteo Fornaca Italy
Pieter - Jan Uyttersprot Belgium / France
A wide diversity of non formal learning methods
E- learning
The external evaluator has made an report which will be available soon.
Senior trainer
Preparing delivering and evaluating troughout the 2 years the educational process both for the residential seminars (3) as for the online elearning units.