TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Nerijus Kriauciunas
To exchange ideas and good practices among participants and partners of external recognition of open badges
To develop an understanding of staff members of partner organisations how to build external recognition of digital open badges
To develop participants’ capacity to act as facilitators of external recognition, enabling them to build and maintain relations for external recognition of digital open badges.
To identify opportunities and plan the implementation of activities that would lead to better external recognition of open badges.
To engage with external target audiences in discussion and debates on the value and benefits of digital open badges for young people, youth work and society
35 paerticipants from more than 10 countries.
3 facilitators from Lithuania and Spain suppopred by admin staff from Lithuania and a team of 2 video makers from Lithuania.
The course included 4 training moduls hosted on Canvas online learning platform focused on:
- Welcome and on-boarding
- Good practices of endrosements
- Badge system design
- Approaching endorsers
- Evaluation
The online course was supported with 5 interactive online sessions on Zoom.
During the final evaluation participants gave the following feedback for:
- content: 4.7 on avarage out of 5 points
- own participation: 3.8 on avarage out of 5 points
- support by facilitators: 4.7 on avarage out of 5 points
Create, deliver and evaluate this course.