TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Eelin Hoffström
This project consisted of several meetings and trainings with the aim of developing a methodology for the development of Social Entrepreneurship-thinking among youth NGOs.
I took part as a trainer in activities in Greece, Italy and Mexico.
The core group of the project consisted of 4 trainers who had met in the ToT 13-14. We built the concept and developed the trainings and activities of the project. The core group trainers were from Sweden, Finland, Italy and Greece. In addition the partner organisations were from Romania, Mexico, Peru, Argentina and Brazil.
The methods used were non-formal, with the theme of social ecoomy being ever present. We also had case studies and visited social entrepreneurs.
The methodology can be found here:
The project resulted also in a follow up project SEEDS2, which brought the concept of social entrepreneurship to young people directly through Youth Exchanges.
I was in charge of the educational flow and the collection of methods for the methodology. And I delivered sessions in all the meetings I took part in.