TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Joke Van Dooren
1. To promote intercultural dialogue through deeper understanding of the inherent cross-cutting religious dimension and providing tools to better tackle this critical issue in youth work within EuroMed context.
2. To raise awareness about different beliefs & their impact on EuroMed work.
3. To provide youth workers with pedagogical tools needed to approach EuroMed religious dimension.
4. To make participants confident & motivated to tackle this dimension within their work.
Participants from Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Latvia, Tunisia, Sweden, Germany, Morocco, and Jordan.
Trainers from Belgium, Larvia and Jordan.
Conscious choice of the location of the training and full use of it (connection to the multi-religious local community, visiting of important religious sites, inviting local resourceful persons & challenging participants by putting them in a new environment ('Muslims in a pilgrims-house or Christians in a mosque)) / Careful selection of participants (balance between experiences, religions, regions,...) / Establishment of dialogue-'rules' to stimulate respectful and in-depth dialogue / Combating geopolitical barriers by using ICT (skype-meeting with a Jewish in Israel) / Offering new perspectives by connecting personal stories with the content / Bringing in local and Euromed stakeholders (RIIFS , ALF, ...) / ...
- Higher awareness about religions/ believes as cross-sutting issue in EuroMed youth work, therefore, deeper and more conscious IC dialogue among participants.
- Enforced Euro-Arab Network
- Local Jordanian NGOs interested in EuroMed programme
- Mainstreaming ALF-Jordan network with EuroMed initiatives
The creation of the concept of the training, preperation, implementation (as one of 3 trainers) and evaluation/follow-up activities. As this training was a new concept, most of the methods used for it we created ourselves.