This is a reference for Aga Byrczek

Training Course on Global Education

The training activity took place
in Puntas de Calnegre, Lorca, Spain
organised by Cazalla Intercultural
Reference person

Vladislav Petkov

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

• To share local experience and best practises on Global Education.
• To explore the different opportunities of how Global Education can be involved in volunteering service.
• To discover the available tools and mechanisms which can be implemented in practise to foster Global Education in volunteerism.
• To reveal the possibilities of how the vision of Global Education can be implemented in an organisational level.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Profile of participants:
- facilitators of learning
- volunteers managers
- from the following countries: Spain, Lithuania, Poland, China, Philippines, Vietnam and India.

The team was composed of 3 members - two from Europe and one from Asia

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology of the training was based on the non formal learning principles. The methods of the
training were selected in order to reflect different needs and learning styles of participants. The methods were the combination of experiential learning (simulation, role plays), group work, presentations, individual reflection and creative work. The following global educational methodology was used but will not limit the organizer to explore
other methodologies which were more applicable to the setting as required:
1) Cooperative-based learning
2) Problem-based learning
3) Dialogue-based learning

Outcomes of the activity

Final report from this activity:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Beeing the full time trainer in the team of 3, responsible for the programme design and it´s implementation and evaluation

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

It was a pleasure working with Aga on this training course for which she invited me to join the team. While we didn't officially give titles within the team, from today's perspective I would say that she was the senior trainer in the team, who took a leading role in the team management and coordinated our work. For me this was the first trainers' experience with a group of participants from different continents and I learned a lot from Aga and our third team member on better considering cultural differences and needs in the planing and delivering of the learning process. Apart from being an intensive working and learning experience, this training was also a lot of fun!

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