TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Marius Ulozas
• To promote the National Youth Policy at all levels and strengthen the engagement of young people, youth centers and NGOs in building and implementing strategies and action plans for youth;
• To support municipalities developing own youth action plans;
• To develop understanding on impact of non-formal and informal education to personal and social development of young person;
• Increase understanding of life and needs of a young person;
• To develop capacity of youth to take part in youth policy.
The team was composed of Lithuanian and Georgian trainers and youth policy experts.
Profile of participants:
- Representatives from the municipalities active in local youth policy and who took part in the training course for Civil servants on essential cross-cutting competences for regional youth policy implementation;
- That was a follow-up activity where these trained civil servants put their new competences into practice
Brainstorming, case-studies, workshops, discussions etc.
Strengthened cooperation between youth policy stakeholders on local and national level; improved cross-sectorial cooperation, improved understanding of youth needs and need for structured dialogue with young people, understanding of need for open youth work and mobile youth work, better understanding of youth psychology.
Trainer, expert.