About Scandiatransplant

Scandiatransplant is the organ exchange organization for the countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Estonia. It covers a population of about 29.7 million inhabitants. It is owned by the member hospitals performing organ transplantation in these countries. About 2000 patients are transplanted yearly within the Scandiatransplant association.

Scandiatransplant was founded in 1969. Its supreme authority is the Council of Representatives, who are clinically active professionals appointed by the member hospitals. The number of Representatives of each hospital depends on the number of organ transplantations carried out in the hospital. The Board of the association is responsible for the day-to-day operations. It consists of one person from each participating country plus a chairman. The office of the organization is placed at Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark. The office maintains the Scandiatransplant IT-system and services the association and its users. The IT-system is a clinical registry where transplant relevant data is collected and stored.

According to the by-laws, the purpose of the Scandiatransplant organization is:

  • to serve as a common organ exchange organisation and allocation resource for its member hospitals including kidney, liver, heart, lung, pancreas, pancreatic islet, liver cell, composite graft, intestinal and multivisceral transplantation. This is done transparently, using ethical principles and in full compliance with the national legislation of the members’ countries,
  • to maintain and operate a common waiting list for transplantation,
  • to ensure complete traceability from organ donors to patients,
  • to maintain and operate follow-up registries of transplanted patients,
  • to maintain and operate follow-up registries of living donors,
  • to serve as a collaborative platform through specialized working groups and advisory groups in order to facilitate best practice recommendations and policies optimizing retrieval, allocation and transplantation of organs, and
  • to form a collaborative network for the member hospitals to promote research and development related to organ donation, allocation and transplantation.

All patients waiting for an organ transplantation in these countries are listed on one common list for each organ. Scandiatransplant ensures that all necessary data are available for the transplant professionals to allocate the organs according to rules adapted by the association and monitors compliance with these rules. Scandiatransplant is also used as the link between the transplantation community in these countries and the rest of the world.

For more information:

Contact: Staff

Activity: Scandiatransplant figures

By-laws: Articles of Association

Reference groups: Committees