
Your gateway to a vibrant, supportive, and inclusive community at uni.

beach volleyball
two people playing football

UniLife enriches your university experience by offering a broad array of programs, services, and events that make it easy for students to connect, grow, and enjoy their time on campus and beyond. Whether you're interested in staying active, exploring new interests, embracing cultural diversity, or simply finding friends, UniLife has something for everyone. 

Your university experience is more than just academics—it’s an opportunity to explore, connect, and make lasting memories.

Get involved, discover new interests, and become part of a community that supports you every step of the way!

UniLife Annual Events Calendar

Event Date Registration Link
Lismore Samson Fitness Challenge 28 February Expression of Interest
O-Week 3-5 March  
Hit the Play Button 5 March Coming soon!
Byron Bay Surf Camp #1 14-16 March Expression of Interest
Fusion Festival 17-19 March  
Byron Bay Surf Camp #2 21-23 March Expression of Interest
Battle of the Border 5 April Expression of Interest
Coffs Jetty Swim 6 April Expression of Interest
UniSport Nationals Athletics 23-25 April Expression of Interest
UniSport Nationals Triathlon 26-27 April Expression of Interest
Byron Bay Ocean Swim 4 May Expression of Interest

Event Date Registration Link
Indigenous Nationals 7-11 July Coming soon!
UniSport Nationals T20 Cricket 28 July - 1 August Expression of Interest
Snow Tour - New Zealand 23-30 August Expression of Interest
Darrel Chapman Fun Run 24 August Expression of Interest
Wear it Purple Day 29 August  

Event Date Registration Link
Byron Bay Surf Camp #3 5-7 September Expression of Interest
R U OK Day 11 September  
Coffs Harbour Running Festival 14 September Expression of Interest
UniSport Nationals Gold Coast 27 September - 3 October Expression of Interest

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