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Public Disclosure

The Senate Office of Public Records (OPR) receives, processes, and maintains for public inspection records, reports, and other documents filed with the Office of the Secretary of the Senate involving the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), the Ethics in Government Act, the Mutual Security Act, and the Senate Code of Official Conduct. More...

Senate Public Financial Disclosure (Senate Rule 34)

Obtain forms from Select Committee on Ethics

Forms to be filed by:
  • Senators who were Members for 61 days or more in the previous year are required to file an annual report by May 15 of each year.
  • Candidates for Senate who must file within 30 days of becoming a candidate or by May 15th, whichever is later, but in no event later than 30 days prior to any election.
  • Officers and employees who received compensation for more than 60 days during the previous year at an annual rate of pay in excess of 120% of basic pay in effect for the GS-15 rate, which in 2024 was $147,649.
  • Employees designated as a principal assistant by a Member (who does not have an employee compensated at an annual rate of pay in excess of 120% of GS-15).
  • Employees designated to handle political funds under Rule 41.
  • Other individuals, pursuant to Rule 41, whose salary is at or above 120% of GS-15 level which include:
    • A reemployed annuitant (whose annuity is treated as disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate).
    • An officer or employee of the federal government on assignment to a committee of the Senate or to a joint entity of Congress on a reimbursable basis.
    • An individual who performs full-time services for any committee or office and whose salary is not paid by the United States government.
    • Individuals include, if the salary and period of employment thresholds are met, temporary or part-time employees, consultants, educational fellows and other temporary assistants paid from non-governmental funds.
  • Employees who commence employment in 2025 who expect to be compensated for greater than 60 days at an annual rate of compensation equal to or in excess of 120% the rate of annual pay in effect in 2025 for GS-15 ($150,160) file within 30 days of commencing employment.
  • Employees are identified above, and Senators, shall file on or before the thirtieth day after termination of employment/retirement of such position, a report covering the preceding calendar year and covering the portion of the calendar year in which the termination/retirement occurs, up to the date the individual left such office or position, unless the individual has accepted employment in another position which would necessitate the May 15, 2025 filing.

Periodic Transaction Report Forms

The Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 (STOCK Act) require Senators and "senior staff" (earning $150,160 or more in CY 2025) to periodically disclose certain financial transactions. Filers must promptly report any purchase, sale, or exchange of any stock, bond, commodities future, and other securities if the transaction exceeds $1,000.

Reports should be filed with:
Senate Office of Public Records
144 Hart Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-7116

Or electronically at

For further information contact:
Select Committee on Ethics
220 Hart Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-6425

Gift Rule/ Outside Paid Travel Database

Senate Rule 35 Requirements

Senators, officers, and Senate employees who plan to accept reimbursed travel must seek review of proposed travel from the Select Committee on Ethics at least 30 days in advance by submitting a sponsor-completed “Private Sponsor Travel Certification Form,” and a copy of the sponsor’s invitation. Once approved by the Ethics Committee, the traveler must prepare the authorization portion of the Advance Travel Authorization and Disclosure Form. Within thirty (30) days after the travel is completed; the employee must prepare the reimbursement portion of the form, and file it, along with the Sponsor Certification Form with the Office of Public Records. Expenses reimbursed for an accompanying spouse or dependent child must be included in the disclosure.

Section 546 of Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 requires the Secretary to establish a Web site containing the travel documents filed under Senate Rule 35 . The information must be maintained for a period not longer than four years after receiving the information.

Search the Database

Download the Database   (Updated: 03/14/2025)
   Format: Compressed XML

Post Employment Lobbying Restrictions

Section 103 of Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 requires the Office of the Secretary of the Senate to notify members and certain employees separating from the Senate about their post-employment lobbying contacts with the Senate and to post information contained in the notice on the Internet.

For information about the scope and substance of Senate post-employment restrictions, you should contact the Senate Select Committee on Ethics at (202) 224-2981, review the Committee's May 24, 2012 guidance memorandum on the restrictions, and/or obtain your own counsel.

Please visit the links below for a report of those individuals who have separated from the Senate, the office in which they were employed, the beginning date of restriction, and the end date of restriction.

Senate Anti-Harassment Training

The Senate Anti-Harassment Training Resolution of 2017 (S.Res 330) requires Senators, Senate officers, and Senate managers to periodically complete training that addresses workplace harassment, including sexual harassment and related intimidation and reprisal prohibited under the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 and their role in recognizing and responding to harassment and harassment complaints.

The Resolution also requires Senate employees, interns, fellows, and detailees to periodically complete similar training. It requires the head of an office, including a joint commission or joint committee, employing Senate employees to ensure that an individual in the office who is required to be trained, has access to the training.

Individuals must satisfy this training requirement for each Congress. Each office, including a joint commission or joint committee, employing Senate employees must certify, at the end of every Congress, whether individuals required to be trained have completed such training during that Congress.

Click on the link below to view training certifications:

Office of Public Records
144 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-7116
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Main: (202) 224-0322
Lobby Line: (202) 224-0758