Welcome to The Centre for Complex Systems
The centre is one of the largest in the UK working on statistical mechanics aspects of dynamical systems and stochastic systems, and on complex systems and complex networks.
We have a broad range of research interests in mathematical foundations of dynamical systems theory, in statistical physics and stochastic modelling methods as applied to non-equilibrium situations, and in the mathematical description and modelling of the architecture and dynamics of complex systems and networks. A significant part of our research work has applications in an interdisciplinary context.
Our theoretical research explores cutting-edge topics in:
- Non-equilibrium processes
- Stochastic modelling
- Ergodic theory
- Topological dynamics
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
- Network theory
Applied research highlights include:
- Cancer evolution and species interactions in biological systems
- Mathematical and Digital Epidemiology
- Social networks, team dynamics and success
- Quantitative urbanism, smart cities and energy
- Sustainable energy systems and consumer behaviour
- Statistical aspects of air pollution and water quality
- Movement Ecology
The research outputs of our Centre for Complex Systems are highly cited: In total the published work of the academic staff members in our centre has received more than 100,000 citations. The centre has an excellent track record in publishing in high impact journals: in the past 5 years we have published articles in Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Physics, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Energy, Nature Genetics, Science Advances, and many more top journals.
![]() 13:00 - 14:00 | Peter Orbanz (UCL) Centre for Complex Systems |
![]() 13:00 - 14:00 | Dibyajyoti Mohanta (New York State U) Centre for Complex Systems |
![]() 13:00 - 14:00 | Jörg Neunhäuserer (TU Braunschweig) Centre for Complex Systems |
![]() 13:00 - 14:00 | Yotam Smilansky (U Manchester) Centre for Complex Systems |
![]() 13:00 - 14:00 | Gadi Fibich (Tel Aviv U) Centre for Complex Systems |

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Recent Publications
- The dynamics of higher-order novelties
Latora V, Di Bona G, Bellina A, De Marzo G and Petralia A
Nature Communications, Nature Research
04-01-2025 - Symbolic equation solving via reinforcement learning
Dabelow L and Ueda M
Neurocomputing, Elsevier vol. 613
01-01-2025 - Toward a Second Law for Living Systems
Klages R
Physics vol. 17 (182), 1-3.
Recent Grants
- Nicola Perra - US Army Lab research
Nicola Perra
£71,665 U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory
24-06-2024 - 23-06-2025 - Predicting the Impacts of Global Environmental Change on Ecological Networks
Athen Ma, Vito Latora and Pavel Kratina
£389,809 NERC Natural Environment Research Council
01-06-2024 - 31-05-2027 - URF renewal: Random Geometric Graphs and Related Problems: Theory and Applications
Anna Maltsev
£370,397 Royal Society
05-02-2023 - 04-02-2026