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In the 2014 – 2020 programming period, €33.14 million was awarded to two projects under PEACE IV Specific Objective 1. This investment aimed to increase the number of schools involved in Shared Education (350 schools by 2023), teachers trained to facilitate Shared Education (2,100 persons by 2023), and the number of participants in Shared Education classrooms (144,000 children by 2023) with the objective to promote good relations and enhance children’s skills and attitudes to contribute to a cohesive society.
Based on figures at the time of the evaluation and subject to verification.
Under the PEACE IV Specific Objective 1, €33.14m was invested in two projects to increase the number of schools, teachers and participants involved in Shared Education to promote good relations and enhance children’s skills and attitudes to contribute to a cohesive society.
SJC Consultancy, in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau, was commissioned to conduct a three-year evaluation to assess the impact of the Shared Education projects. The evaluation team combined qualitative and quantitative methods which included online surveys, interviews, focus groups and a review of Project Partner monitoring data and partnership progress reports. The findings informed the remainder of the Programme and future programming periods, including PEACEPLUS.
The evaluation assessed the impact of the interventions at three stages of implementation, reporting in 2020, 2021 and 2022. All three reports, executive summaries and infographics can be accessed below.
The final impact evaluation highlights the benefits of the Shared Education projects to children, teachers, and the wider community. The report also measures, and analyses progress made by projects towards output and result indicators set by the PEACE IV Programme. The evaluation assessed the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of the projects and identified key factors that contributed to the success of the programme, despite the challenges presented. The report also considers the sustainability of projects, with recommendations for the SEUPB and future PEACEPLUS applicants.
"The inclusion of Shared Education in the PEACE IV Programme has provided a significant uplift in the number of pre-schools/schools having the opportunity to experience Shared Education. By targeting pre-schools/schools with no prior experience of Shared Education, PEACE IV contributes to meeting the aims outlined in the Shared Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2016 – therefore positively contributing to the legislative and policy focus in NI to encourage, facilitate, and promote Shared Education." Evaluation Team, SJC Consultancy