PEACE IV Programme Overview

The PEACE Programme is a unique cross-border initiative, promoting social and economic stability in the region – most notably by actions to promote cohesion between communities.

All funding calls for the PEACE IV Programme are now closed

Details of current funding opportunities can be found here.


The PEACE Programme is a unique cross-border initiative designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland (including Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Sligo). 

A total of 98 projects have been funded under the PEACE IV Programme (2014- 2020). 

Each project can include several partners - in total, there has been 224 partners involved in the Programme. 

The PEACE IV Programme area includes Northern Ireland, the Border Counties of Ireland and Western Scotland. Please see below the full breakdown below of council areas:

PEACE IV Programme Area breakdown
Northern Ireland Border  Counties
Belfast Cavan
Antrim and Newtownabbey Donegal
Mid and East Antrim Leitrim
Causeway Coast and Glens Louth
Derry City and Strabane Monaghan
Mid Ulster Sligo
Fermanagh and Omagh  
Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon  
Newry, Mourne and Down  
Ards and North Down  
Lisburn and Castlereagh  

Total value

The Programme has a total value of approximately €270 million which includes an ERDF contribution of €229m (85%) and a match-funding contribution from the Irish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive of €41m (15%). 

By the end of 2021, 98 PEACE IV projects (including Technical Assistance) had been approved - representing a total commitment of €278.8 million.

Current programme

PEACE IV was about promoting social and economic stability in the region – most notably by actions to promote cohesion between communities. 

The Programme had four key priority areas or ‘specific objectives’ where it aimed to make significant and lasting change. These are: 

  • Shared Education; 
  • Children and Young People;
  • Shared Spaces & Services
  • Building Positive Relations. 

Under Specific Objective 1 (Shared Education) was a further action. This was Action 1 and children participating in shared education. 

Under Specific Objective 2 (Children and Young People) were two further actions. The first, Action 2.1 was to do with children and young people aged 14-24 and the second, Action 2.2 was the local authority-led action plan on children and young people. 

Under Specific Objective 3 (Shared Spaces & Services) were three actions. 

  • Action 3.1 was Shared Spaces Capital Development, 
  • Action 3.2 was the local authority-led action plan on shared spaces projects and 
  • Action 3.3 was Victims and Survivors. 

Under Specific Objective 4 (Building Positive Relations) were two additional actions. 

  • Action 4.1 was the local authority-led action plans and 
  • Action 4.2 Regional Level Projects.

Past programmes

The first PEACE Programme was agreed in 1995 and was the direct result of the European Union’s desire to make a positive response to the opportunities presented in the Northern Ireland peace process, including the ceasefires of 1994. As the process has evolved, so too has the PEACE Programme as it continues to play an important role in reinforcing progress towards a more cohesive and stable society. 

The current PEACE IV Programme (2014-2020) has been designed to support children and young people, shared education initiatives, build positive relations between divided communities and create new shared spaces and services. It has a total value of approximately €270m, this includes an ERDF contribution of €229m (85%) and a match-funding contribution from the Irish Government and the Northern Ireland Executive of €41m (15%). 

By the end of 2021, 97 PEACE IV projects (including Technical Assistance) had been approved representing a total commitment of €278.8 million. 

Why not visit the past programmes section of our website to find out more about previous projects funded under the PEACE Programme.

Where can I get more information about the programme?

Please see below a copy of the full content of the Cooperation Programme for PEACE IV, the Citizen Summary and the PEACE IV Annual Implementation Report infographic which showcases the PEACE IV programme achievements from 2022.

PEACE IV Cooperation Programme
PEACE IV Citizens Summary - PEACE IV Programme (2014-2020)
PEACE IV Citizens October 2020 - draft 1.pdf
Achoimre do Shaoránaigh: Clár PEACE IV (2014-2020)
Citizens Summary PEACE IV (IRISH).pdf
2022 Annual Implementation Report Infographic

PEACE IV Output Indicator Guidance

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