Change Makers Funds - Communication Guidelines

All projects funded through PEACEPLUS are required to acknowledge the financial support that has been provided by the Programme, in all communications activity. This includes Cross-Border Change Makers Funds (6.2) and Cross-Community Change Makers Funds (1.2).

All projects funded through PEACEPLUS are required to acknowledge the financial support that has been provided by the Programme, in all communications activity. This includes Cross-Border Change Maker Funds (6.2) and Cross-Community Change Maker Funds (1.2).

An important element of the PEACEPLUS Programme are funds available for communities and organisations to avail of directly in a more simplified form, but still resulting in a significant impact.

Change Maker Funds are programmes to deliver awards of up to €100,000 directly into communities.

These funds will be distributed in tranches across several years, with no restriction on the number of times organisations wish to apply and will be delivered on behalf of the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) by Pobal and Co-Operation Ireland and East Border Region. Co-Operation Ireland and East Border Region will be referred to as ‘the partnership’ throughout this document.

These grants are provided under themes 1 (Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities) and 6 (Building and Embedding Partnerships and Collaboration).

They focus on activities which enhance community cohesion and bring communities and groups together on a cross community (Investment Area 1.2) or Cross Border (Investment Area 6.20) basis, embedding and enhancing existing relationships, and establishing new relationships and networks.

These funds are flexible in the activity that they deliver, but with a strong focus on improving cross community and cross-border relationships. 

The application and implementation process for projects are delivered in a streamlined manner reflecting the lower amounts of grants when compared to other investment areas of the programme. The Communications Guidelines and requirements are also less stringent that other PEACEPLUS investment areas, however, it is vital they are adhered to by projects.

There are a number of specific communications/PR/marketing requirements which funded projects are required to meet and these have been set out below.

If you have any queries in relation to these guidelines, contact Pobal/Co-Operation Ireland.

Remember, it is your responsibility to ensure that the funding you have received is acknowledged correctly.

SEUPB and its partners will regularly monitor communications activities involving Change Maker Funds to ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines.

Summary of Requirements

  • All projects must identify at least one member of staff as a communications point of contact for Pobal/Co-Operation Ireland/SEUPB.
  • All communications materials related to the project, including any leaflet, brochure, signage, invite, advertisement, etc, must include the PEACEPLUS logo and where appropriate a statement to the effect that the project is supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme (textual reference – see below). The logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Government of Ireland should also be included.
  • PEACEPLUS funded projects must acknowledge that they have received PEACEPLUS funding must be recognised projects’ social media accounts, if they have these channels. The fact that your project is supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme must be clearly stated in the ‘About’ section of any social media profile.
  • Websites/pages must include the correct use of the PEACEPLUS logo and the textual reference. Pages must also include a link to the SEUPB website: It is not essential for Change Maker funded projects to host a website, rather they should ensure that if they do and wish to promote PEACEPLUS-funded activity, that this is properly reflected as set out within this document.

Change Makers Logos

Change Makers
Change Makers

PEACEPLUS funded projects, including Change Maker Funds, are required to display the PEACEPLUS logo within all communications material.

Using the logo informs people that your project is funded by PEACEPLUS and demonstrates the commitment of the funding partners within your area.

The full colour version of the logo should be used wherever possible. Ideally the logo should be used on white backgrounds only. Using the logo on a coloured background is permissible if there is no alternative, but it must be a very light background so that the logo can be seen clearly.

The PEACEPLUS Programme logo must be used in the format supplied. You must not recreate or modify the logo in any way.

The PEACEPLUS logo can be downloaded here.

The logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Irish Government should also be used on communications materials.

Black & White Logo

For single colour reproductions, a mono/greyscale version of the PEACEPLUS logo should be used. This version should only be used whenever full colour is not available.

If you have difficulties accessing the logo, please contact a member of Pobal/Co-Operation Ireland, who can provide on behalf of SEUPB.

Logo Rules

The SEUPB has a number of basic but important rules when it comes to the use of the PEACEPLUS logo, as detailed below:

  • If other logos are displayed in addition to the PEACEPLUS logo, the PEACEPLUS logo must have at least the same size, measured in height or width, as the biggest of the other logos.
  • The logo should always be clearly visible and placed in a prominent position. Its position and size should be appropriate to the scale of the material or document on which it is used.
  • The logo must be displayed in colour on websites. In all other usage of the logo, colour should be used whenever possible and a black and white version only when this is not possible.
  • The PEACEPLUS logo should be accompanied by the logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Irish Government.

Minimum Logo Size

There is no minimum size, however you must ensure that the logo is recognisable and does not look distorted.

Textual Reference

Along with the PEACEPLUS logo, projects must also include a textual reference on relevant publicity materials (such as digital, leaflets, brochures, invites, etc). The textual reference is below:

"A project supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)."

In all textual references, the Programme’s name should be written as one word and must be in capitals i.e. PEACEPLUS.  

Other Funding Sources

Many projects receive funding from a variety of different sources, which may need to be recognised within any communications activity undertaken by the project.

The SEUPB fully endorses the recognition of the contribution made by other funders, including any match-funding provided by government departments. In situations when references to additional funders must be included, the SEUPB requirement is that the recognition of PEACEPLUS must have “due and equal prominence”.

Printed Materials

For the purpose of this guide, printed materials relate to any printed item with information about the project. This includes larger publications such as brochures, annual reports and booklets as well as smaller items such as information leaflets, posters, invitations, advertisements etc.

All communication materials produced by the project must include the PEACEPLUS Programme logo.

When stationery items are included in the project costs, the PEACEPLUS logo must be included on letterheads, compliment slips, invoices, business cards and invitations etc.

The logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Government of Ireland should also be used.

If you are unsure that the design is correct you should contact Pobal/Co-Operation Ireland.

In addition to the PEACEPLUS Programme logo, a textual reference must also be included within the printed material. The textual reference is below:

"A project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)."

Reports, Corporate Documents, and Research Studies

To provide clarity around the authorship of the work you produce the following disclaimer must be included in all reports, corporate documents or research studies developed by PEACEPLUS funded projects:

“The views and opinions expressed in this report/document/plan (delete as appropriate) do not necessarily reflect those of the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) or the Programme funders.”

This caveat should appear at the start of the document. If in doubt on whether a specific publication should or should not contain the disclaimer you should contact the SEUPB Communications Team via email:


Please keep Pobal/Co-Operation Ireland advised of any events you are planning as part of your project so you can be advised on the appropriate level of representation. They will inform SEUPB as appropriate.

Project Launch

Projects funded under PEACEPLUS are required to coordinate a Project Launch event. This is, however, not a requirement of funding for Change Maker Funds projects.

However, should projects wish to stage a launch event, the scale of the event is for the project to decide.

It may be a simple photo-call or a larger event. As a funder of your project, the SEUPB would welcome an invitation and, if appropriate, an opportunity to speak at your launch event. Whilst our attendance may not always be possible, we do expect to receive an invitation at least three weeks in advance of the event. Invitations should be sent to

Project Completion

Projects funded under PEACEPLUS are required to coordinate a Project Celebration event to mark the completion of the project, however, this is not a requirement of funding for Change Maker Funds projects.  

Should projects wish to hold a project completion event, the scale of the event is for the project to decide.

As a funder of your project, the SEUPB would welcome an invitation and, if appropriate, an opportunity to speak at your celebration event. Whilst our attendance may not always be possible, we do expect to receive an invitation at least three weeks in advance of the event.

Any invitations issued for a project generated event must include the PEACEPLUS logo, Northern Ireland Executive and Irish Government logos, and the PEACEPLUS textual reference, as detailed in the previous sections.

Verbal Acknowledgement

During any launch/celebration event, the amount of financial support from SEUPB and name of the Programme you are funded by (PEACEPLUS) as well as any relevant match-funding Government Departments (and any other funders) must clearly be referenced in any speech that is delivered by a project representative

Press Releases

Funding Announcements

SEUPB will announce all funding awards and projects must not publicise any funding awards until approval has been given.

Pobal/the Support Partner must be informed of any/all communications activity relating to the announcement of funding by projects supported under PEACEPLUS’ Change Makers Funds. This includes the content, timing and distribution of any funding announcement/press release. Pobal/the Support Partner will then ensure SEUPB is kept up to date, as requested, regarding PR/communications activity by Change Makers Funds projects.

Media queries

Pobal/the Support Partner (include detail/a contact) must be made aware of any media queries relating to your project and any/all responses shared with same prior to return to media. Where appropriate queries will be escalated to SEUPB for input/sign-off.

General Releases

Any press releases issued by the project must contain the textual references provided in the ‘Textual Reference’ section of this guide.

A reference to the PEACEPLUS Programme must be included within the first two paragraphs of the press release.

You may also need to acknowledge other funders in the press release if your project receives an additional contribution from another source. Please also ensure that you acknowledge any relevant match-funding Government Departments.

Project spokespersons should also be briefed to mention PEACEPLUS funding support when talking to journalists or undertaking media interviews.

Pobal/the Support Partner (include detail/a contact) must be informed of all requests for interview, including subject matter, media outlet and plans for broadcast/publication. This information can then be escalated to SEUPB.

Notes to Editors

‘Notes to editors’ are used to provide additional information on the project and the funding outside of the main body of a press release.

See below Notes to Editors to be included in any press releases issued by projects funded under PEACEPLUS, including additional information to capture Change Makers Funds.

  • PEACEPLUS is a cross-border funding Programme designed to support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland. The total value of PEACEPLUS is €1.14 billion.
  • PEACEPLUS is co-funded by the European Union, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland, and the Northern Ireland administration.
  • The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) is a North South Body with the statutory remit for managing EU funding programmes within Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland.
  • The Small Grant Change Makers Funds are delivered on behalf of SEUPB by Pobal. They are an important element of the PEACEPLUS Programme as they are open to communities and organisations to apply to directly in a more simplified form. These small grants will have significant local impact.
  • Change Makers Funds deliver awards of up to €100,000 directly into communities. These will be provided under the PEACEPLUS Themes 1.2 (Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities) and 6.2 (Building and Embedding Partnerships and Collaboration).

Advertising & Marketing

Newspaper Advertising

When placing any form of print advertising (including job adverts) for your funded project, the  logo strip must be used, alongside the textual reference (see relevant sections). The logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Government of Ireland should also feature.

Radio Advertising

For radio advertisements the textual reference must be included. 

“A project supported by PEACEPLUS, a Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body”

Promotional Advertising

In promotional advertising, projects must always include the logo strip which must have “due and equal prominence” with other funder or partner logos featured in the advertisement. The logos of the Northern Ireland Executive and Government of Ireland should also be included.

Film, Audio and Digital Content

On films, animations, and any visual digital content the PEACEPLUS logo and textual reference must be included with all other credits either at the start or end of the film. Any commentary or voiceover should include the textual reference.

For podcasts and other audio-only content, the textual reference should be included at either the start or the end.

Billboards & Plaques


Projects are encouraged, where appropriate, to erect posters within their facilities to promote PEACEPLUS funded projects.

SEUPB will stock posters and stickers for the Change Makers programme and these can be obtained on request via


Projects are encouraged, where appropriate, to erect posters within their facilities to promote PEACEPLUS funded projects.

Posters can be found here: Link tbc SEUPB will stock posters and stickers for the Change Makers programme and these can be obtained on request via

Website and Social Media


Change Maker Funds projects are not required to have their own website. However, if they do and wish to promote Change Maker Funds activities, the PEACEPLUS Programme logo must be included on the project webpage. The logo must be visible inside the immediate viewing area of a digital device, without the user having to scroll down the page. Project pages should provide “a short description of the operation (project), proportionate to the level of support, including its aims and objectives, and highlighting the financial support from PEACEPLUS”. This means a brief summary of the project, detail on what it aims to achieve as well as the amount of money the project has received within its letter of offer.

A link to the SEUPB website ( should also be included on the project’s webpage..

Social Media

PEACEPLUS funded projects must acknowledge that they have received PEACEPLUS funding on all their social media accounts, if they have them. The fact that your project is supported by the PEACEPLUS Programme, must be clearly stated in the ‘About’ section of your social media profile. A minimum requirement would be to use the Textual Reference (see above).

Photographs that include members of the general public (in particular those aged under 18 or vulnerable adults) must have the relevant permissions to use them before they are uploaded on social media.

Relevant permission forms are available here.

Each post on social media is not required to reference PEACEPLUS. For significant announcements or events please refer to the relevant section above.

Communications Reporting

Details of any planned communications activity, coverage and/or queries must be shared with Pobal/The Support Partner, who will keep SEUPB updated accordingly.

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