PEACEPLUS Programme Monitoring and Steering Committee members

For each funded Programme, a Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) is established under European Regulation to monitor its effectiveness and quality. Steering Committees make the final decision on whether funding is awarded to a project.

Programme Monitoring Committee

For each funded Programme, a Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) is established under European Regulation to monitor its effectiveness and quality. The membership of the Monitoring Committee is made up of representatives of the Member States, local and regional government, as well as social and economic partners representing business, trade unions and the voluntary, environmental and equality sectors. 

Each Committee examines: 

  • Any issues that affect the implementation / performance of the Programme 
  • Progress made in implementing the evaluation plan and the follow-up given to findings of evaluations
  • Implementation of the communications strategy 
  • Implementation of major projects
  • Actions to promote gender equality; equal opportunities and non-discrimination, including accessibility for people with disabilities 
  • Actions to promote sustainable development

And it also approves: 

  • The annual and final implementation reports 
  • Any proposal by the Managing Authority for any amendments to the Programme


Member Member Category Organisations Nominating Body
Fionnuala Sweeney SEUPB
Gina McIntyre Chair SEUPB SEUPB
Dominic McCullough Member State Representatives UK DoF
Andrew Condon Member State Representatives Ireland DPER
Monica Fitzpatrick Cross Cutting Interests Equality Organisations The Equality Commission
Aoife Ní Lochlainn Cross Cutting Interests Environmental Organisations The Environmental Pillar
Rosemary Thomas Cross Cutting Interests Environmental Organisations CNCC
Michael D'Arcy Cross Cutting Interests Business IBEC
Dr Martin McMullan Social and Economic Partners Youth Youth Action NI
Joe Hawkins Social and Economic Partners Youth National Youth Council of Ireland
Ivan Cooper Social and Economic Partners Voluntary and Community Sector The Wheel
Dooley Harte Social and Economic Partners Trade Unions ICTU (NI)
Kevin Callinan Social and Economic Partners Trade Unions ICTU (Irl)
Prof Siobhan O'Neill Social and Economic Partners Mental Health The NI Mental Health Champion (through DOH)
David Gavaghan Social and Economic Partners Business Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Wesley Aston Social and Economic Partners Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries Ulster Farmers Union

Alternate Members

Member Member Category Organisations Nominating Body
Paul Beattie Chair SEUPB SEUPB
David Lynch Member State Representatives UK DoF
Catherine Clynes Member State Representatives Ireland DPER
Catherine Clynes Member State Representatives Ireland DPER
Cllr Eamon O’Neill Regional/ SubRegional/ Local Government Interests Northern Ireland NILGA
Cllr Matt Garrett Regional/ SubRegional/ Local Government Interests Northern Ireland NILGA
Ald Jim Speer Regional/ SubRegional/ Local Government Interests Northern Ireland NILGA
Mary Freehill Regional/ SubRegional/ Local Government Interests Ireland Eastern & Midland Regional Assembly
Barry Guckian Regional/ SubRegional/ Local Government Interests Ireland Northern and Western Regional Assembly
Jacqueline Healy Cross Cutting Interests Equality Organisations Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (Ire)
Karen Ciesielski Cross Cutting Interests Environmental Organisations The Environmental Pillar
Prof. Julian Orford Cross Cutting Interests Environmental Organisations Council for Nature, Conservation & the Countryside (CNCC)
Michael McKenna Social and Economic Partners Youth Youth Action NI
Mary Cunningham Social and Economic Partners Youth National Youth Council of Ireland
Emma Murtagh Social and Economic Partners Voluntary and Community Sector The Wheel
Eva Denderson Social and Economic Partners Voluntary and Community Sector NICVA
Gerry Murphy Social and Economic Partners Trade Unions ICTU (NI)
Katie Morgan Social and Economic Partners Trade Unions ICTU (Irl)
Peter Cash Social and Economic Partners Mental Health The NI Mental Health Champion (through DOH)
Bernadette Grogan Social and Economic Partners Mental Health Mental Health Reform
Neil Goodwin Social and Economic Partners Mental Health The NI Mental Health Champion (through DOH)
Helen Leahy Social and Economic Partners Business Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC)
Laura Jackson Social and Economic Partners Business Confederation of British Industry (CBI)
Thomas Cooney Social and Economic Partners Agri-Rural Development Irish Rural Link

Steering Committee

Similar to the Programme Monitoring Committee, Steering Committee members represent local and regional government, as well as social and economic partners representing business, trade unions, and the voluntary, environmental and equality sectors. 

The PMC delegates responsibility to the Steering Committee which makes the final decision on whether or not funding is awarded to a project which has submitted applications. 

When calls for applications are made, a calendar of fixed Steering Committee dates is also published so that there is transparency around the targets for processing times. 

The Steering Committee meets as required throughout the year.

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