The European Parliament wants to boost the European Voluntary Service and turn it into a true EU civic service that will allow thousands of young Europeans to have a...
This Week in Strasbourg: #FightInequality, Geo-Blocking, Dieselgate, #EndFGM and more...
The European Parliament today backed the signing of the Marrakesh treaty that will help improve the availability and cross-border exchange of published works for blind...
The S&D Group strongly protests against the announcement of the US administration to freeze 65 million USD budget support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...
In the aftermath of the Social Summit which took place in Gothenburg on November 17, where EU leaders endorsed the Proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights...
S&D conference: Street Arts for inclusive societies. Wednesday 06 December 2017, from 15:00 to 18:30 at the European Parliament - Altiero Spinelli (ASP) building in Room...
The future of the European Youth Orchestra (EUYO) has been secured. It is currently based in the UK and it depends on annual financial requests. However, a decision has...
Together for social justice & sustainable growth. The necessity of strenghening social rights, social justice, to achieve growth. A joint S&D & #EuropeTogether event. A...
The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament today welcomed the plan published today by the Commission to create an EU 'area of education' by 2025. It has been...
Sami Blood, a film by the Swedish screenwriter and director Amanda Kernell, has won the European Parliament’s 2017 LUX Prize. Set in the 1930s, in the beautiful landscape...