Coordinating Committee
Tanya Dawkins (USA) and Emily Joy Sikazwe (Zambia), co-chairs. Barbara Adams (New York), Nancy Baroni (Canada), Yao Graham (Ghana), Yasmin Ismail (Egypt), Allam Jarrar (Palestine), Himanshu Jha (India), Gustavo Luna (Bolivia), Edward Oyugi (Kenya), Norayda Arabella Ponce Sosa (Guatemala), Maria Victoria Raquiza (Philippines), Genoveva Tisheva (Bulgaria), Mirjam van Reisen (Brussels) and Roberto Bissio (Uruguay, ex officio).
The International Secretariat of Social Watch is based in Montevideo, Uruguay, hosted by the Third World Institute (ITeM).
Roberto Bissio
Amir Hamed
Production Manager
Ana Zeballos
Nathalia Blanco
Associate Editors
Karen Judd
Tina Johnson
Jon Steinberg
Editorial Team
Gustavo Alzugaray
Enrique Buchichio
Silvana Silveira
Editorial Team Assistant
Lorena Logiuratto
Research Team
Juan Andrés Moraes (Departamento de Ciencia Política, Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
Santiago López Cariboni (Department of Government at the University of Essex)
Advocacy and Networking
Ana Inés Abelenda
Mariana Más
Olga Acosta, Laura Bissio, Clio Bugel, Lucía Colombino, Marcela Dutra, Bachir El Omari, Richard Manning, María
Laura Mazza, Álvaro Queiruga, Álvaro Sahonero, Alejandra Trelles, Mercedes Ugarte
Technical support
Arturo González
Web design and development
Ximena Pucciarelli
Ernesto Rapetti
© Copyright 2010
18 de Julio 1077/ 903, Montevideo 11000, Uruguay
Fax: +598 (2) 902 0490 ext.113
Made possible thanks to the funding and support of the European Union and Oxfam Novib.
The International Secretariat of Social Watch also receives funding and support from the Ford Foundation and the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement - 11.11.11.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Social Watch and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, Oxfam Novib, the Ford Foundation or the Coalition of the Flemish North South Movement 11.11.11.
The content of this publication may be reproduced by non-governmental organizations for non-commercial purposes (please send us copies). Any other form of reproduction, storage in a retrieval system or transmission by any means for commercial purposes requires prior permission from ITeM.
Original layout: MONOCROMO
Phone: +598 (2) 916 3273
Printed by
Gráfica Mosca
Printed in Uruguay
Edición hecha al amparo del Art. 79 de la Ley 13.349 (Comisión del Papel)
ISSN: 0797-9231
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Social Watch
Casilla de Correo 1539
Montevideo 11000, Uruguay
Phone: +598 (2) 902 0490
Fax: +598 (2) 902 0490 ext.113