
report 2012

A Green New Deal

The Government favours a neoliberal model of development that has led to growing social stratification and rising pressure on the environment. An alternative could be the Green New Deal, which aims to address global warming and global financial crises by implementing a set of policy proposals intended to secure global sustainable development. Green Growth and environmental protection programmes must act as catalysts to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods for the most disadvantaged Polish citizens.

BCI & GEI 2011
Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz,
plenipotentiary minister for
equal treatment.
(Photo: Polish government)

Homosexuality is equivalent to rape, according to official teaching materials for Poles studying to be nurses and midwives. Teaching books refer to homosexuality as a “pathology”, under the section of “sexual problems”. “This is a particularly dangerous incident of homophobia,” said Agata Chaber, the president of the Campaign Against Homophobia of Poland.

In terms of gender equity Poland places itself above the European average most of its neighbours. However, it has a long way to go to mach those European countries leading the chart.

Robert Biedron marching for equity.
(Photo: Robertbiedron.pl)

The European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions discussed on Tuesday a formal complaint submitted last year by the Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH, focal point of Social Watch in Poland) against the regulations that prevent same-sex couples to formalize their relationship abroad.

Gay parade in Krakow years ago.
(Photo: Krakow Informer)

Sources: New Poland Express, Associated Press report on LezGetReal website.

A parade against homophobia was sabotaged by skinheads and neo-nazis in the southern Polish city of Krakow on May 22nd resulting in violent attacks and one hospitalised person, reported New Poland Express online weekly magazine. 

Source: KPH-Article (posted by Giacomo Viggiani at Equal-Jus.eu)

After years of lobbying by Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH, focal point of Social Watch in this country), with support of European institutions and civil society organisations, the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs announced that will prepare a new version of the application form for those Polish citizens who want to get married abroad with there same sex partner.

