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Ways to pay my bill

There are many ways to pay your Spark bill. From paying online, in person or with an automatic payment or direct debit. Find a way that works best for you.

Pay online

You can make a one-off payment on your Spark bill without signing in to MySpark.

Make a one-off payment with your credit/debit card or with POLi: Pay a bill

POLi lets you to pay directly from your bank account. You can learn more about POLi on their website. Go to the POLi website

  • Find Spark in the payees list, or save this account number to your payees list: 01-1820-0000123-000
  • Use your Spark account number in the reference field
  • You can pay from overseas:
    • Use the SWIFT code ANZBNZ22
    • Use the bank address ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert Street, Auckland
  • You can get a reminder three days before your bill is due, either by email or text if you have a Spark mobile number. You can set this up in MySpark. Set up a bill reminder

Pay your bill in the Spark app with a credit/debit card (surcharge applies) or bank account. You'll need the latest version of the Spark app. Download the Spark app

  1. In the app, tap the menu button and choose MySpark 
  2. Sign in or register to access your account
  3. Choose Billing
  4. If you have a bill payment due, you'll be able to choose Pay bill
  5. Follow the steps to finish paying your bill

To pay your bill on the due date, set up an automatic payment from your bank account using direct debit, or credit/debit card (surcharge applies). Set up a monthly payment

Set up a payment in the app

Set up an automatic monthly payment in the app.

  1. In the app, tap the menu button and choose MySpark from the menu
  2. Sign in to access your account
  3. Select Billing
  4. Tap on the message about your bill
  5. Choose Set up a monthly payment
  6. Select a payment method
  7. Choose whether you want to pay using a credit/debit card or bank account
  8. Follow the instructions to finish setting up your payment

Notes on recurring credit/debit card payments

  • Pay your bill from your Visa, Mastercard or American Express card on the due date.
  • The recurring payment will only come into effect from your next bill. If you select the checkbox to allow payment for your current bill, the first payment will be taken that day.
  • Credit/debit card surcharges are subject to change. View surcharge fees
  • You can change your existing recurring payments in MySpark. Manage my monthly payments
  • Business customers: To pay your bill on the due date each month, complete the business form. View Business direct debit form

If you choose to pay upfront with a credit, debit or charge card, a surcharge will apply.

The credit/debit card surcharge for all cards from 1 May 2024, including one-off and recurring payments, is 0.87%* (plus GST, if any).

Until 31 April 2024: The credit/debit card surcharge for all cards, including one-off and recurring payments, was 0.6%* (plus GST, if any).

*Surcharges are subject to change.

You can avoid these charges by paying with POLi. POLi allows you to pay directly from your bank account via your internet banking service. Pay a bill using POLi

Please note that we are no longer accepting Diners Club cards for payments.

Other ways to pay

  • Call Spark Service Express on 0800 000 000 to make a payment with a Visa, MasterCard or American Express card.
  • There is a credit/debit card surcharge for all cards, including one-off and recurring payments. View surcharge fees
  • You can avoid this charge by paying with POLi instead. POLi allows you to pay directly from your bank account via your internet banking service. Pay a bill using POLi
  • Take your Spark invoice with you.
  • A $2.45 fee applies when you pay your bill at a Post Shop. Find your nearest Post Shop
  • Spark stores accept payment by cash, EFTPOS and credit or debit card. Find your nearest Spark store
    • A surcharge applies if you pay by credit card or by payWave at a Spark store. View surcharge fees
  • It can take up to two business days for us to receive these payments.
  • Contact your card provider to set up an automatic payment using your rural charge card.
  • Eligible rural charge card companies are:
    • Farmlands
    • Ashburton Trading Society (ATS)
  • In your payment's reference details, include how you're splitting the payment.
  • When you make a payment, include the following in the reference details:
    • Payment date
    • Total amount paid
    • Breakdown of how much is to go into each account
  • If you enter an account number when internet banking, the whole payment will go into that account.
  • Let us know when you've made a payment:
    • Fax: 0800 279 399
    • Post:
      Payments Team
      Spark New Zealand Ltd
      PO Box 90707

Need more time to pay?

If you can meet future monthly Spark charges, but require a short extension to pay your current bill or any outstanding amounts from previous bills, you may be eligible for a short-term payment extension for an agreed amount of time. If you want to apply for this, please do so online via MySpark or call 128 and select the ‘More time to pay’ option.

Sign in to MySpark

If a short-term extension will not meet your needs, you may be eligible for a longer term payment arrangement. To discuss your account and these repayment terms please call our billing team on 128 and select the ‘More time to pay’ option.

If you enter into a payment arrangement with Spark, it may impact your credit rating (i.e. your ability to seek credit from other providers). More information around the types of payment arrangements and their potential impact on your credit rating is outlined in the table below.

Payment Arrangement types and potential Comprehensive Credit reporting (credit rating) impact:

Type Duration Credit Rating Impact
Short term Credit Extension Short term extension or agreed change to the Due Date for payment of the account Not reported under Comprehensive credit reporting, therefore unlikely to impact credit rating.
Longer term Extended Credit Arrangement (Up to 6 months) Longer term formalised repayment arrangement where customer repays account in agreed instalment and frequency - within a maximum of 6 months Reported under Comprehensive Credit Reporting - Scheme of Arrangements. This information can be viewed and taken into consideration by other Credit Providers and may impact credit rating. (This is effective for new arrangements from 1st July 2021).
Long term Extended Credit Arrangement (where the repayment term is greater than 6 months) as a result of a customer's application for Spark Hardship.

Note: to apply for Hardship with Spark, the repayment term must be greater than 6 months for active accounts i.e. customer still has an existing landline, mobile or broadband account with Spark and greater than 12 months for disconnected accounts i.e. customer’s Spark landline, mobile or broadband accounts have been disconnected.
Longer term formalised repayment arrangement where customer repays account in agreed instalment and frequency - duration of payment agreement is longer than 6 months Account is flagged as under Hardship with Spark and will show in both Account & Payment status and reported as such via Comprehensive credit reporting. This information can be viewed and taken into consideration by other Credit Providers and may impact credit rating. (This is effective for new arrangements from 1st July 2021).

Alternatively, you may find that changing to a different mobile or broadband plan is better suited to your current needs and budget, and we can work with you to find the best solution. As early termination fees (if you are ending a fixed term plan early) and/or modem charges (if you need a new modem with your new plan) may apply, please let our team know of your circumstances and we’ll work with you to find the most suitable solution for you.

Or you could consider applying a Service restriction to your plan, to avoid additional charges on your current plan.

For any of the above options please call our billing team on 128 to discuss which option will suit your situation.  

If you feel that a short-term payment extension or changing your plan is not enough to address your current situation, hardship support may also be an option. You will need to apply for hardship support, and we will discuss options with you that might help your individual circumstances. Please note that should your application be approved and you enter into a payment arrangement with Spark this may impact your credit score. For further information, please see below.

There are several situations that may make you eligible for hardship support. These include recent changes in circumstances, such as:

  • A natural disaster has adversely affected your income or household situation.
  • You recently experienced an unforeseen significant event that is adversely affecting your finances.
  • Your business closed temporarily or permanently or is experiencing significant financial distress due to unforeseen events.
  • You are experiencing significant financial hardship due to inflation and the rising cost of living.
  • You or a household member who contributes to the payment of bills has lost their job recently or your income has significantly reduced.
  • You have recently suffered an illness or injury impacting your ability to work.
  • A family member has recently become ill or unable to work, adversely impacting your family income and/or significantly increasing your expenses.
  • A relationship break-up is making it difficult for you to meet your financial commitments.

If any of the above (or similar circumstances) apply, please get in touch with us as soon as possible by submitting a hardship application online or by calling 128 so we can work with you on options to address your situation.

We can explore options such as:

  • An extended credit arrangement. Call us on 128 to speak to one of our representatives and we will work with you to determine the length of time and frequency of instalments to bring you back up to date as soon as possible.
  • You may find a different mobile or broadband plan is better suited to your needs and budget right now, and we can work with you to find the best solution.
  • Service restrictions to avoid additional charges.

It is important to note that Spark will carefully consider all applications for hardship on case by case basis and reserves the right to decline hardship support in some circumstances.

Before applying for a payment extension or hardship support with Spark, we encourage you to consider options you may have available such as, insurance cover under your existing policies (i.e. income protection, medical insurance if applicable) or Government Assistance. It may be a good idea to get in touch with a budget advisor that can help you deal with your immediate money problems.


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