________ are capable of regenerating the bones, muscles, and nerves of their limbs
________ have tongues that weigh as much as an adult elephant
76 different American colleges use ________ in the names of their sports teams, the most of any animal
The eggs of ________ are so big relative to their bodies that they don't eat in the days leading up to laying the egg; there is literally no room for food
________ have tube-like eyeballs that cannot move independently from the rest of their head
________ have been placed in witness protection and have been used as evidence in court due to things they've repeated
The first taxidermied ________ to be sent to the United Kingdom were considered hoaxes by scientists
Male ________ lose their antlers in the winter; females keep them year round
The stripe patterns on ________ are unique, like fingerprints, and can be found on their skin
The feces of ________ are cube shaped
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