A biographical sports movie inspired by a real life walk on, played by Sean Astin, who tries to make Notre Dame's football team, but isn't allowed because of his ill-mannered behavior
The story of a disgraced figure skater, played by Margot Robbie, who hit her opponent with a yellow, metal toy truck taking her out of the competition
An Adam Sandler remake of a Burt Reynolds movie in which a team of inmates faces off against a team of guards in a pirate imitating contest
Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson are unlikely partners scamming people into believing a beloved Tom Hanks character should be played by a more racially diverse actor
A long, boring movie where Keira Knightley spies on soccer star David Beckham trying to figure out how he deals with UPS, USPS and FedEx on a daily basis
A movie about an immigrant handyman, played by Pat Morita, who trains a Sorento, or was it a Sportage, to participate in a martial arts tournament
Adam Sandler plays a hockey player who decides to play golf instead because it gives him more time to sleep
When a past his prime Ali heard he was an underdog in a fight against George Foreman he decided to challenge him to a Nintendo arcade battle instead
Kevin Costner plays a man who really wants to build it so they will come... but he's just too darn scared!
Will Smith plays a famous boxer who is always drunk
The story of how Lou Gehrig's wife influenced his baseball career
Kevin Costner plays an old, ready to retire catcher trying to tutor a young up and coming pitcher, but he's just too damn fat!
Martin Scorsese thought boxing was boring (really, you could look it up), so he made a movie to prove it wasn't and failed (that part I made up...)
Two Chicago area high schoolers give up their desire to play basketball and instead focus on raising chickens
A comedy about four Jamaican chefs who try their hand at starting a bobsled team with the help of John Candy
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