The series focuses on the small but deeply interconnected society of big cat conservationists such as Carole Baskin, owner of Big Cat Rescue, and collectors such as Exotic, whom Baskin accuses of abusing and exploiting wild animals.
As of 21 December 2020, more than 76.9 million cases have been confirmed, with more than 1.69 million deaths attributed to [answer].
[Answer] is one of the world's leading experts on infectious diseases, and during the early stages of the pandemic, The New Yorker and The New York Times described [answer] as one of the most trusted medical figures in the United States.
By minimising the probability that a given uninfected person will come into physical contact with an infected person, the disease transmission can be suppressed, resulting in fewer deaths.
The slogan '[Answer]' itself remains untrademarked by any group.
Trump became the first U.S. president since 1992 and the eleventh incumbent in the country's history to lose a bid for a second term, and Biden won the largest share of the popular vote against an incumbent since 1932.
She was nominated by President Donald Trump and has served since October 27, 2020.
Originally scheduled for April 10, 2020, the album's release was delayed for seven weeks, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The plot follows a secret agent (Washington) as he manipulates the flow of time to prevent World War III.
In response to the demonstrations, a number of relatively small pro-government rallies were held.
Chauvin and the other three officers involved were later arrested.
As of mid-December 2020, 57 [answer] candidates were in clinical research: namely, 40 in Phase I–II trials and 17 in Phase II–III trials.
Over eighty women in the film industry had accused [name] of such acts.
Produced by Not a Real Company Productions, the series follows the trials and tribulations of the formerly wealthy Rose family when they are forced to relocate to [answer], a small town they once purchased as a joke.
A member of the Democratic Party, she will become vice president on January 20, 2021, alongside President-elect Joe Biden, having defeated incumbent president Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence in the 2020 election.
Over 700 people out of 3,711 became infected (567 out of 2,666 passengers and 145 out of 1,045 crew), and 14 people, all of them passengers, died.
[Answer] came after a formal House inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony.
A member of the Democratic Party, [answer] served as the 47th vice president during the Obama administration from 2009 to 2017.
The Weeknd wrote and produced the song with producers Max Martin and Oscar Holter, with Belly and Jason Quenneville receiving additional writing credits.
Additionally, Charles Dance returns in the season's first episode and Claire Foy reprises her role as Elizabeth in a cameo flashback scene.
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