Word Search
Drag, tap cells, or use end-to-end tapping (first/last letter) in any direction. For single cell tapping, double-tap the last cell to submit
Drag, tap cells, or use end-to-end tapping (first/last letter) in any direction. For single cell tapping, double-tap the last cell to submit
Drag or tap in any combination of directions, with each letter touching an adjacent cell
Drag or tap in any combination of directions, with each letter touching an adjacent cell
No Peeking
Grid & hints are hidden before quiz starts
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More Info:
Hidden words are multi-directional, so not always in a straight line.
All letters are used.
Letters are only used once.
Lines do not cross.
These rules will need to be followed to avoid "stranded" letters
Grid: Enter single characters into cells, like a crossword; or form words by dragging or tapping, like a word search
Word Search: Drag, tap cells, or use end-to-end tapping (first/last letter) in any direction. For single cell tapping, double-tap the last cell to submit
Multi-Directional: Drag or tap in any combination of directions, with each letter touching an adjacent cell
No Peeking: Grid & hints are hidden before quiz starts