It's people who claim that they're good, or any way better than the rest of us,
Good gracious, dear, all of life is a spell. You know that. But
'I shall pray for your soul,' promised Nessarose.
There were more ways to live than the ones given
Always the godfather,
It's unbecoming. A perfect word for my new life. Unbecoming. I who have always been unbecoming
Everyone has the appetite. If you give in to it, it, that act is evil. The appetite
Galinda didn't often stop to consider whether she
'You're fun to look at,' decided Galinda. Boq's face fell. 'Fun?' he said. 'I'd give a lot to achieve fun,' Elphaba said. 'The best I usually hope for is stirring, and when people say that
'What is there that makes my life worth preserving?' 'I love you,' said Elphaba. 'So that's that then, and that's it,' he answered her and himself. 'And I love you.
'However in the world did her skin come green?' Nanny wondered, stupidly, for Melena blanched and Frex reddened, and the baby held her breath
That's all I want—
There may be no city in the clouds, but dreaming of it
'And in the cave, the wicked old Witch stayed for a good long time.' 'Did she ever come out?'
The world was floods above
Maybe evil is an
She is trying that rarest of strategies, telling the truth, and making it
She wondered, faintly, if it was immoral to raise children in the habit
Everybody needs to grow up and leave home sometimes. But sometimes
'What's big, thick, makes the earth move, and wants to have its way with you?' 'I don't know, but
Always you were drawn to the composite creatures, the broken and reassembled,
If we can't comprehend the plan at hand,
That's the real power of art, I think. Not to chide but
Ask me no questions and
I do not listen when anyone uses
The interior doesn't change, except by self-involvement. Of which
'What's the difference between a shooting star and a falling house?' 'One which is propitious grants delicious wishes,
I wouldn't mind leaving myself behind if I could,
As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefit of it?
You can't criticize the
The alien girl—she called herself Dorothy—was by virtue of her survival elevated to living sainthood.
Not everyone can
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