The Blues John Belushi (1980)
The Blues Brothers John Belushi (1980)
The Nightmare Danny Elfman (1993)
The Nightmare Before Danny Elfman (1993)
The Nightmare Before Christmas Danny Elfman (1993)
Halloween Jamie Lee Curtis (1978)
Home Macaulay Culkin (1990)
Home Alone Macaulay Culkin (1990)
From Burt Lancaster (1953)
From Here Burt Lancaster (1953)
From Here to Burt Lancaster (1953)
From Here to Eternity Burt Lancaster (1953)
The Rocky Tim Curry (1975)
The Rocky Horror Tim Curry (1975)
The Rocky Horror Picture Tim Curry (1975)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Tim Curry (1975)
Fail Henry Fonda (1964)
Fail Safe Henry Fonda (1964)
A Bridge Richard Attenborough (1977)
A Bridge Too Richard Attenborough (1977)
A Bridge Too Far Richard Attenborough (1977)
For Clint Eastwood (1965)
For a Clint Eastwood (1965)
For a Few Clint Eastwood (1965)
For a Few Dollars Clint Eastwood (1965)
For a Few Dollars More Clint Eastwood (1965)
Carrie Sissy Spacek (1976)
A Funny Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Zero Mostel (1966)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Zero Mostel (1966)
Rear James Stewart (1954)
Rear Window James Stewart (1954)
Gone Casey Affleck (2007)
Gone Baby Casey Affleck (2007)
Gone Baby Gone Casey Affleck (2007)
The Unbearable Nicolas Cage (2022)
The Unbearable Weight Nicolas Cage (2022)
The Unbearable Weight of Nicolas Cage (2022)
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Nicolas Cage (2022)
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent Nicolas Cage (2022)
Last Marlon Brando (1972)
Last Tango Marlon Brando (1972)
Last Tango in Marlon Brando (1972)
Last Tango in Paris Marlon Brando (1972)