Can you name (or deduce) the characters from the TV series 'Game of Thrones' represented by the symbols on this 'periodic table' portrayal? Please see More Info for important details!
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Based on the TV Show through the final season, not the books!
Bold SYMBOLS are letters from a single word from a TV character's name. Only that name (word) will be accepted.
It may be a first name, surname, portion of a multi-word name; OR where asterisked: a nickname, or part of an alternate name, sobriquet or title (eg., "Septa" Unella; The "Spice" King).
Words (including reasonable alternate spellings of names) will be accepted provided they begin with the Symbol's first letter and contain the second one where present.
Answers must also “FIT” the COLOR-CODING and/or GROUPINGS representing some shared characteristics or relationships which may be deducible.
Before you start: Consider playing the quiz in "Stopwatch" mode if you think you may need more than 20 minutes (click above the timer to access)