Marvel Cinematic Universe Mega Movie Quiz, Part 1

Can you name the facts about the Marvel Cinematic Universe films? [Warning: spoilers]

Film #1
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Title character's secret identity 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Love interest and personal assistant 
Portrayed by 
Best friend, ally and future Avenger 
Portrayed by 
Terrorist organization that abducted title character 
Man who saved his life 
Portrayed by 
Super spy who shows up at the end 
Portrayed by 
Film #2
Film Title 
Year released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Title character's secret identity 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Love interest 
Portrayed by 
Love interest's father and all-around jerk 
Portrayed by 
Love interest's new beau 
Portrayed by 
Zany scientist 'Mr. Blue' 
Portrayed by 
Neighborhood smashed 
Film #3
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Best friend's new codename 
Recast and portrayed by 
Russian spy and future Avenger 
Her secret identity 
Portrayed by 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Secondary villain and business rival 
Portrayed by 
SHIELD Agent returning from first film 
Portrayed by 
Title character's driver 
Portrayed by 
Film #4
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Primary villain and adopted brother 
Portrayed by 
Love interest 
Portrayed by 
Father and King of Asgard 
Portrayed by 
Mother and Queen of Asgard 
Portrayed by 
SHIELD Agent and future Avenger 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
King of the Frost Giants 
Film #5
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Title character's secret identity 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Evil organization he leads 
Love interest and future master spy 
Portrayed by 
Best friend 
Portrayed by 
Scientist who develops super soldier serum 
Portrayed by 
Army colonel overseeing the project 
Portrayed by 
Film #6
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Green Avenger recast and portrayed by 
Brainwashed associate of Thor 
Portrayed by 
High-ranking SHIELD Agent 
Portrayed by 
Which is really this Infinity Stone 
Villain's scary weapon 
Which is really this Infinity Stone 
Alien race that attacks New York 
Big villain who shows up in the credits scene 
Portrayed in later films by 
Meal the team eats after saving the world 
Film #7
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Yet another codename for best friend 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
His evil organization 
Assumed villain who wasn't really a villain 
Whose real identity was 
Whose real profession was 
Portrayed by 
Super (and explodey) serum 
Inventor of serum 
Portrayed by 
Serum-powered villainous henchman  
Serum-powered villainous henchwoman 
Film #8
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge 
Portrayed by 
Female warrior ally 
Portrayed by 
Dashing member of the Warriors Three 
Grim member of the Warriors Three 
Immense member of the Warriors Three 
Love interest's assistant 
Portrayed by 
Apocalyptic weapon unleashed 
Which is really this Infinity Stone 
Film #9
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Best friend's new codename 
New ally and future Avenger 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
Villainous mastermind 
Portrayed by 
STRIKE team member revealed to be a traitor 
Codename he later adopts 
Portrayed by 
New love interest and SHIELD agent 
Her relationship to his previous love interest 
Portrayed by 
Scientist from previous film who is now a computer 
Film #10
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Team leader 
Portrayed by 
Love interest and green warrior-assassin 
Portrayed by 
Strong man and literalist 
Portrayed by 
Wisecracking raccoon 
Voiced by 
Big tree 
Voiced by 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
MacGuffin and Infinity Stone 
Film #11
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Primary villain 
Voiced by 
New Avenger with super speed 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
New Avenger with reality warping powers 
Her secret identity 
Portrayed by 
New android Avenger 
Computer program incorporated into him 
Portrayed by 
Country whose capital gets decimated 
Villain we thought would be way more important 
Film #12
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Title character's secret identity 
His previous profession 
Primary villain 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
Love interest and ally 
Codename she will later adopt 
Portrayed by 
Her father and the original hero with this codename 
Portrayed by 
Sidekick and comic relief 
Portrayed by 
Film #13
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Revenge-seeking future Avenger introduced 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
Who is the Prince of... 
His father 
Portrayed by 
Teenage future Avenger introduced 
His secret identity 
Portrayed by 
Who lives with his aunt... 
Portrayed by 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Film #14
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Title character portrayed by 
Title character's full true name 
Primary villain 
Portrayed by 
Who wants to summon this demon 
Love interest 
Portrayed by 
Sorcerer ally who later becomes disillusioned  
Portrayed by 
Sorceress Supreme 
Portrayed by 
Relic used to save this dimension 
Which is really this Infinity Stone 
Film #15
Film Title 
Year Released 
Directed by 
Primary villain, celestial and team leader's father 
Portrayed by 
Mohawked team member and exiled Ravager captain 
Portrayed by 
Reluctant team member and assassin 
Portrayed by 
Empathic new team member 
Portrayed by 
High-ranking Ravager leader 
Portrayed by 
Golden race of 'perfect' beings 
Artificial being they grow in credits scene 
Ravager with a stupid name 
Quiz Playlist
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  • Note: contains spoilers.
Classic: Type in answers that appear in a list
Last Updated: Apr 3, 2019
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