Love and affection shared by two straight males
When bros get together and all spend the night at a dude's house
When dudes share a point in time with each other
Drowning yourself in Axe deodorant instead of showering
An excessive number of bros (like this quiz?)
A supplement that turns ordinary dudes into bros
A get-together or a party where the attendance is predominantly male
A hairstyle worn with a narrow center strip of spiked-up, overly gelled hair
Sandals worn with a pair of ankle-high socks
Slang term for beer, commonly enjoyed by real chill dudes
A flower arrangement given to one man by another man
An alcoholic beverage that consists of one cup of Natural Light or Keystone Light beer with a shot of Banker's Club vodka
An area in which a girl has entered when befriending a guy
Standard procedures and guidelines for bro behavior
Your relationship to a bro employed by the same company
A guy who is an expert at doing 'bro' things
When dudes check out how ripped they are
Month dedicated to guys doing 'guy things' such as watching football, going fishing, climbing mountains, and grillin'
Making a brocopter with each hand and acting like an archer
The super hot chick who only hangs out with bros
Your own personal POTUS
The local watering hole where all the dudes hang out and chill