Flies riding on _____ suggest that insects like to play
Ants treat their own fungal infections by eating _____
Lizards put less effort into wooing and choosing mates when they're _____
Locusts spun in a centrifuge develop an extra-strong _____
Male moths make their own _____ from flowers to attract females
Hippos can't _____ well
Tadpoles can change _____ to blend in with their environment
Flies _____ sooner if they see dead flies
Chimpanzees recognise photos of _____ they haven't seen for decades
Electric eel zaps can _____ other nearby animals
Rats squeak with _____ when they are with another rat
Crocodiles can sense how distressed human babies are from their _____
Male flies _____ better after fighting off a robotic rival
Swarm of robots can make _____ by imitating bees
A tiny West African crocodile can _____
Chinstrap penguins take thousands of _____ every day
Spotted salamander eggs hatch more easily if nibbled by _____
Kangaroo _____ could reduce methane emissions from cows
Rare flower makes fake bee _____ to lure pollinating insects
_____ made by ants could treat some bacterial and fungal infections
Eel ______ reveals how the strange fish swim
African penguins recognise their partners by their _____
Starfish are just a big squished _____
Rats have a 'laugh centre' in their brains that responds to a _____
Bat uses its huge _____ like an arm while mating