Ancient Australian ______ stood 3 metres tall and weighed as much as a cow
Rubbing the food dye tartrazine onto a mouse's skin turns it ______
A new species of viper has been identified with a bright green body, a brick-red tail, blue lips and ______ eyes
The diet of the first Americans was 40% ______
African savannah elephants use ______
World’s only ______-less frog species actually does have them after all
Ant queens eat their ______ to protect against lethal fungi
Bats modify their ______ to become thicker and more rigid when they hibernate
Great apes like ______ each other
Komodo dragons have teeth capped with a layer of ______
Spiders use _____ to lure in more prey
Poison frogs use ______ to rouse prey and make them easier to catch
Male cuttlefish burst through their ______ clouds to impress females
Cyborg locusts with brain nanoparticles could act as ______ sniffers
Northern sea robin fish have evolved ______ that can find and taste buried food
It is now understood how ants are used to make ______
Alpacas are the only mammals known to deposit ______ directly into the uterus
Bees defend their nest by ______ ants with their wings
Jackals spray ______ on their favourite fruit
An odd bristly bump on praying mantis chest is actually world’s weirdest _______
______ bugs grow a fungal garden on their legs to fight parasitic wasps
Japanese ______ make an 'after you' gesture to prompt their mate to enter the nest
Female scorpions appear to willingly let males sting them during ______
______ from toads could treat depression
Rat neuron injection lets mice that can’t smell sniff out ______