Historical Events of 1988

Can you name the significant events, people, and places of 1988?

By tequa
January 15The First Intifada grows more violent and Palestinian protesters clash with police at the Dome of the Rock in this city.
January 27Mikhail Gorbachev begins this movement, aiming to reform and restructure the Soviet political and economic system.
January 31This popular sitcom starring Fred Savage premieres its first episode.
February 3 The House of Representatives rejects President Ronald Reagan's request for $36.25 million to support contras in this country.
February 13The Winter Olympics begin in this Canadian city.
February 24This fundamentalist pastor sues Hustler magazine for writing a parody interview on him. He loses the case in the Supreme Court.
March 3This major centrist party forms in the UK.
March 24This fast food chain opens in Yugoslavia, the first one located in a communist country.
April 11This film starring John Lone, Joan Chen, and Peter O'Toole wins 9 Oscars, including Best Picture.
April 14The Soviet Union commits itself to start removing forces from this country.
May 27This company releases Windows 2.1.
June 23NASA scientist Jim Hansen testifies to the US Senate that this phenomenon has begun.
June 25This country defeats the Soviet Union 2–0 to win Euro 88.
July 20The Democratic National Convention nominates this man for President along with running mate Lloyd Bentsen.
August 8During the 8888 Uprising, thousands are killed in anti-government demonstrations in this Southeast Asian country.
August 11Osama bin Laden forms this militant Islamist organization in Pakistan.
August 20This nearly 8 year war ends, with an estimated one million lives lost.
October 5During a vice presidential debate, Lloyd Bentsen tells this man, 'Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.'
November 2The first of these is launched at MIT, a malware computer program that replicates itself to spread to other computers.
November 3Tamil mercenaries attempt a coup d'état against the government in this island country.
November 8 This sitting Vice President wins the 1988 US Presidential Election.
November 15This country officially declares its independence from Israel.
December 2This woman is sworn in as Prime Minister of Pakistan, becoming the first woman to head the government of a predominantly Islamic state.
December 6This 'Oh, Pretty Woman' singer passes away at the age of 52.
December 22Union and environmental activist Chico Mendes is assassinated in this country.
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