(Meaning: game-like relationship where the advantage shifts back and forth)
A ___ and ___ story
(Meaning: an unbelievable story told as true or used as an excuse)
A ___ in ___'s clothing
(Meaning: someone who seems harmless but is really dangerous)
You can't soar like an ___ when you hang out with ___
(Meaning: to succeed, you can't only associate with those without ambition)
What's good for the ____ is good for the ___
(Meaning: what's good for one person should be fine for another)
When the ___'s away, the ___ will play
(Meaning: without supervision, people will slack off or misbehave)
The early ___ catches the ___
(Meaning: do things as soon as possible and you'll have success)
You look like the ___ who ate the ___
(Meaning: looking smug; or looking guilty)
A ___ and ___ show
(Meaning: an elaborate presentation designed to impress people or to sway opinion)
March comes in like a ___ and goes out like a ___
(Meaning: early March is cold and blustery; late March is mild and springy)
If you lie down with ___, you'll get up with ___
(Meaning: being involved with bad company will bring bad consequences)
There's a ___ in the ___ house
(Meaning: someone is in a position where they can exploit a situation to their advantage)
The ___ and the ___
(Meaning: euphemism for sex education)
It's raining ___ and ___
(Meaning: a hard, pouring rain)
Float like a ____, sting like a ____
(Meaning: to be fast and powerful)
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*Each expression has two missing words. Both missing words are animals. The animals must be answered in singular or plural form depending on how they appear in the expression. The 1st blank in the expression corresponds with the top answer space; and the 2nd blank with the bottom answer space.