What makes Sporcle truly special is the diverse community of people who make up our quiz community. Online, an average of over 1.5 million quizzes are played daily. Offline, over 20,000 people participate in our live events each week. Our annual SporcleCon sees people travel worldwide for the largest trivia convention in the US.
For every Sporcler, our purpose is to create mentally stimulating diversions that bring them together.
All of the following sponsorships are completely customizable and can be packaged. Let’s make the package/sponsorship that works for you/your company’s goals!
users in the last 12 months
visits in last 12 months
quizzes played daily
quizzes played all-time
email list
average site visit
live trivia events hosted all time
weekly players
email list
Biggest Trivia Convention in the US
Sponsor retention rate 2022 - 2023
in prizes & charitable contributions
The Who’s Who in the Trivia Community
Quiz Content centered
around your brand
Messages for players based on how well
they do on quizzes
Players play quizzes about your brand/
industry. Each correct answer they get
earns them an entry into a prize drawing
Sponsor an entire category or subcategory on Sporcle
A streaming service can have activations on every movies quiz on
Sporcle for a defined period of time
Questions around your brand or
industry as part of the game play
Trivia Hosts give a 30-second live
read about your brand
Digital ads in Sporcle Digital Answering
System used by every team captain
Ad placement and/or writeup in Sporcle Events weekly newsletter Brain Brew
Contact us about larger scale SporcleCon opportunities
Our purpose is to create mentally stimulating diversions that bring them together.
We celebrate knowledge of all kinds.
Let’s work together to find the package or sponsorship that works best for you!