Market share of Audi cars in the Netherlands 1998-2020
sales volume of Audi cars, a decrease was registered from 2015 onwards. In 2015, 17,288 Audis were sold in the Netherlands, whereas by July 2019 this decreased to a total of 6,867 cars.
Sales volume Audi A4 and A6
Audi has a wide range of models on the market. Well-known models are the A-series, ranging from A1 to A8 (A2 non existing). The Audi A4, which is a middle-sized car similar to the BMW 3-series, was sold roughly 2,500 times in the Netherlands in 2018. It is a decrease compared to 2017, when the sales volume amounted to 2,712. The Audi A6 is a little larger and as of 2018, there were 1,322 sold Audi cars in the Netherlands.
Leading car brands by sales volume
Observing the leading brands by number of sold passenger cars in the Netherlands, Audi was found back on the 13th place with 13,914 sold Audi cars in 2018. Volkswagen was ranked first with over 50,000 sold cars.
Audi is a German car manufacturer, producing luxury vehicles and owned by the Volkswagen Group. The market share of Audi amounted to a total of 3.17 percent in the Netherlands in the year 2020, a decrease compared to the total market share of the previous year. The highest total market share was reached in 2013, when Audi had a share of 4.23 percent in the automobile market. Examining the Sales volume Audi A4 and A6
Audi has a wide range of models on the market. Well-known models are the A-series, ranging from A1 to A8 (A2 non existing). The Audi A4, which is a middle-sized car similar to the BMW 3-series, was sold roughly 2,500 times in the Netherlands in 2018. It is a decrease compared to 2017, when the sales volume amounted to 2,712. The Audi A6 is a little larger and as of 2018, there were 1,322 sold Audi cars in the Netherlands.
Leading car brands by sales volume
Observing the leading brands by number of sold passenger cars in the Netherlands, Audi was found back on the 13th place with 13,914 sold Audi cars in 2018. Volkswagen was ranked first with over 50,000 sold cars.