Conor Stewart
Research expert covering health & pharmaceuticals in the UK & Europe
Detailed statistics
Office-based U.S. physicians with EMR/EHR systems 2001-2021
Detailed statistics
Share of doctors using electronic health records in Europe 2020
Detailed statistics
Number of e-prescriptions in the United States 2013-2023
Total EHR market size forecast worldwide 2015-2024
Total global electronic health records market forecast from 2015 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Projected growth in global healthcare data volume 2020
Total amount of global healthcare data generated in 2013 and a projection for 2020* (in exabytes)
Proportion of primary care physicians using EMRs in their practice 2019, by country
Proportion of primary care physicians who use electronic medical records in their practice in select countries worldwide in 2019
Smart hospital: market value of electronic health records 2018-2026
Market value of electronic health records & clinical workflow in Smart Hospitals, from 2018 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Young health professionals' issues with digital patient data 2020
Share of young healthcare professionals worldwide who have experienced the following issues when dealing with digital patient data as of January 2020
Most beneficial digital technologies in future according to young health workers 2020
Share of young healthcare professionals who believe the following digital health technologies are best for improving patient care in the next five years, as of January 2020
Resources for aiding young health professionals using digital patient data 2020
Share of young healthcare professionals worldwide who believe the following resources would enable digital patient data to be used most effectively as of January 2020
Office-based U.S. physicians with EMR/EHR systems 2001-2021
Share of office-based physicians with EMR/EHR systems in the United States from 2001 to 2021
Top U.S. states by ownership of any EHR system among office-based physicians 2017
Leading U.S. states by ownership of any EHR/EMR system among office-based physicians in 2017*
U.S. physician EHR capability to identify patients for care 2017, by practice size
Percentage of office-based U.S. physicians who had computerized capability to identify patients due for preventive or follow-up care in 2017, by practice size
U.S. physician EHR capability to identify patients for care 2017, by specialty
Percentage of office-based U.S. physicians who had computerized capability to identify patients due for preventive or follow-up care in 2017, by specialty
Market share of the leading ambulatory EHR vendors in the U.S. as of May 2019
Market share of the leading ambulatory EHR vendors in the United States as of May 2019*
Share of health organizations able to remotely access select data U.S. 2018-2019
Percentage of U.S. healthcare organizations able to access select data from outside the hospital network in 2018 and 2019
Electronic access to personal health information Canada 2018 and 2019
Access to own electronic medical records in Canada in 2018 and 2019
Electronic access to personal health information in Canada 2018-2019, by type
Current electronic access to personal health information in Canada in 2018 and 2019, by type of information
Share of doctors using electronic health records in Europe 2020
Share of clinicians using electronic health records (EHR) in selected European countries in 2020, by country
Current eHealth priorities for healthcare providers in Europe 2021
What are the biggest eHealth priorities for healthcare providers at the moment?*
Current eHealth challenges for healthcare providers in Europe 2021
What are the main eHealth challenges healthcare providers currently face?*
Views on the biggest future eHealth trends in Europe in 2019
What do you see as the biggest eHealth trends within the next 2 to 3 years?*
eHealth priorities for European health facilities in 2019
What are the biggest eHealth priorities for health facilities at the moment?
Future eHealth trends for European health facilities in 2019
What are the biggest eHealth trends for health facilities within the next 2-3 years?
Number of e-prescriptions in the United States 2013-2023
Number of e-prescriptions in the United States from 2013 to 2023 (in billions)
Number of e-prescriptions for controlled substances in the United States 2013-2023
Number of e-prescriptions for controlled substances in the United States from 2013 to 2023 (in millions)
Rate of e-prescribing in the United States 2017-2021
Rate of electronic prescriptions in the United States from 2017 to 2021
Electronic prescription renewal request access in Canada 2018 and 2019
Access to electronic prescription renewal requests in Canada in 2018 and 2019
Prescription obtainment in Canada in 2019, by prescriber
Methods by which prescriptions were obtained in Canada in 2019, by prescriber
Share of e-prescriptions for pharmaceuticals in Norway 2012-2023
Share of e-prescriptions for pharmaceuticals in Norway from 2012 to 2023
Most popular form of e-prescription during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland 2020
What form of e-prescription did you use during your last visit to the doctor?
Opinion on the purchase in online pharmacies in Poland 2020
Would you like to have the opportunity to fill an e-prescription in an online pharmacy in the future?
Biggest healthcare data breaches in the U.S. in 2023
Largest healthcare data breaches in the United States in 2023, by number of affected individuals (in millions)
U.S. number of health data records exposed in data breaches 2009-H1 2024
Number of healthcare data records breached in the United States from 2009 to 1st half 2024 (in millions)
Number of entities involved in U.S. healthcare data breaches 2009-2020
Number of entities involved in U.S. healthcare data breaches from 2009 to 2020
U.S. health data breaches caused by hacking 2014 - H1 2024
Percentage of U.S. healthcare data breaches caused by hacking from 2014 to 1st half 2024
U.S. health data breach investigations by date of reported breach 2020
Percentage of U.S. health data breach investigations that were still ongoing by date of reported breach as of 2020
Latin America: countries with most web attacks in pharma & healthcare 2019
Latin American countries with the largest number of web application attacks observed in the pharma and healthcare sector in June 2019
Change in cyber security budget in U.S. healthcare organizations 2020-2021
Percentage change in the cyber security budget allocation in U.S. healthcare organizations from 2020 to 2021
Cyber security incidents experienced in healthcare organizations in the U.S. 2021
Share of significant cyber security incidents experienced in healthcare organizations in the United States in 2021
Impact of cyber security incidents in healthcare organizations in the U.S. 2021
Impact of significant cyber security incidents experienced in U.S. healthcare organizations in 2021
Targets of cyber security incidents in healthcare organizations in the U.S. 2021
Share of targets of significant cyber security incidents experienced in U.S. healthcare organizations in 2021
Patient safety issues due to cyber security incidents in healthcare in the U.S. 2021
Patient safety issues as a result of significant cyber security incidents experienced in U.S. healthcare organizations in 2021
Components of cyber security risk assessments in healthcare organizations U.S. 2020
Share of components of cyber security risk assessments in U.S. healthcare organizations as of 2020
Cybersecurity budget change in healthcare organizations U.S. 2023-2024
Change in cybersecurity budget in healthcare organizations in the United States from 2023 to 2024
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