Fernando de Querol Cumbrera
Research expert covering construction, loans, leasing, savings, and debt
Detailed statistics
GDP of the construction sector in Latin America and the Caribbean 1990-2022
Detailed statistics
Largest construction companies in Latin America based on revenue 2022
Detailed statistics
Construction sector as a share of GDP in Latin America 2023, by country
GDP of the construction sector in Latin America and the Caribbean 1990-2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction sector in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1990 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
GDP for the construction sector in Latin America 2023, by country
Gross domestic product (GDP) for the construction sector in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2023, by country (in billion U.S. dollars)
Construction sector as a share of GDP in Latin America 2023, by country
Construction sector as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2023, by country
Construction employees as share of total employment in Latin America 2023, by country
Employees in the construction sector as a share of total employment in Latin America in 2023, by country and area
Largest construction companies in Latin America based on revenue 2022
Largest construction companies based on revenue in Latin America in 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)
Informal employment in the construction industry in Latin America 2023, by country
Informal employment as a share of total employment in the construction industry in Latin America in 2023, by country
Infrastructure investment in Latin America 2007-2020, by country
Infrastructure investment in selected countries in Latin America from 2007 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Infrastructure investment as share of GDP in Latin America 2007-2020, by country
Infrastructure investment as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) in selected countries in Latin America from 2007 to 2020
Tallest buildings in Latin America 2024
Tallest buildings in Latin America as of March 2024 (in meters)
Area of LEED-certified projects in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023, by country
Total gross surface area of LEED-certified projects in Latin America and the Caribbean as of March 2023, by country (in million square feet)
Mexico: construction industry revenue 2018-2023
Construction industry revenue in Mexico from 2018 to 2023 (in billion Mexican pesos)
Mexico: construction industry revenue 2023, by segment
Construction industry revenue in Mexico in 2023, by segment (in billion Mexican pesos)
Mexico: construction industry value 2023, by segment
Construction industry production value in Mexico from 2023, by segment (in billion Mexican pesos)
Mexico: public and private construction industry value 2018-2023
Public and private construction industry production value in Mexico from 2018 to 2023 (in billion Mexican pesos)
Mexico: construction industry value 2023, by state
Production value of the construction industry in Mexico in 2023, by state (in billion Mexican pesos)
Mexico: average annual change of construction costs 2005-2023, by type
Average annual change of construction costs in Mexico from 2005 to 2023, by type
Leading construction companies in Mexico in 2023, by revenue
Leading construction companies in Mexico in 2023, by revenue (in billion Mexican pesos)
Brazil: construction industry GDP 1995-2023
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Brazil from 1995 to 2023 (in billion Brazilian reals)
Brazil: leading construction and engineering companies 2023, by revenue
Leading companies in the construction and engineering sector in Brazil from 2023, by net revenue (in million Brazilian reals)
Brazil: gross revenue of construction companies 2021, by region
Total net revenue of construction companies in Brazil in 2021, by region of their headquarters (in billion Brazilian reals)
Brazil: value of work by construction companies 2022, by segment
Total gross revenue of the activities by construction companies with at least 30 employees in Brazil in 2022, by segment (in billion Brazilian reals)
Brazil: average building construction cost 2007-2024
Average building construction costs in Brazil from 2007 to 2024 (in Brazilian reals per square meter)
Brazil: building construction cost 2024, by category
Distribution of average building construction costs in Brazil in 2024, by segment
Chile: construction industry GDP 2000-2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Chile from 2000 to 2022 (in billion Chilean pesos)
Chile: largest construction companies based on revenue 2022
Largest construction companies based on revenue in Chile in 2022 (in million U.S. dollars)
Chile: construction share of the GDP 2013-2022
Construction industry as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP) in Chile from 2013 to 2022
Chile: authorized area for new construction projects 2008-2023, by type
Area authorized for new construction projects in Chile from 2008 to 2023, by type (in 1,000 square meters)
Chile: construction investment 2022-2023, with forecasts for 2024, by type
Investment in construction in Chile from 2022 to 2023, with forecasts for 2024, by type (in billion Chilean pesos)
Chile: annual change of construction costs 1991-2023, by type
Annual change of the costs of erecting a building in Chile from 1991 to 2023, by type
Colombia: construction industry GDP 2000-2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Colombia from 2000 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Colombia: GDP share of the construction industry 2022, by subregion
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Colombia in 2022, by subregion (in million Colombian pesos)
Colombia: authorized building surface area 2022-2023, by type
Surface area of buildings authorized by building permits in Colombia from 2022 to 2023, by type (in 1,000 square meters)
Colombia: building construction area 2020-2023, by construction stage
Surface area of building construction in Colombia from 2020 to 2023, by construction stage (in million square meters)
Colombia: leading construction companies 2022
Leading construction companies in Colombia in 2022, by revenue (in million Colombian pesos)
Colombia: annual change of construction building costs 2023, by type
Annual change of building construction costs in Colombia in January 2023, by type
Colombia: annual change of civil engineering costs 2021-2023, by type
Annual change of the costs of civil engineering works in Colombia from 2021 to 2023, by type
Peru: construction industry GDP 2000-2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Peru from 2000 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Peru: GVA of the construction industry 2022, by region
Gross value added (GVA) of the construction industry in Peru in 2022, by region (in million Peruvian soles)
Peru: annual change of the construction production index 2015-2023
Annual change of the construction production index in Peru from 2015 to 2023
Annual change of construction material costs in Lima (Peru) 2006-2023
Annual change of construction material costs in the Lima Metropolitan Area (Peru) from 2006 to 2023
Argentina: construction industry value 2004-2022
Gross domestic product (GDP) of the construction industry in Argentina from 2004 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Argentina: main types of construction projects 2024, by company type
Leading types of active or planned construction projects in Argentina as of January 2024, by type of company
Argentina: market cap of select construction and materials companies 2024
Market capitalization value of leading construction and materials companies in Argentina as of February 2024 (in million U.S. dollars)
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