Ani Petrosyan
Research expert for cybersecurity and cybercrime
Detailed statistics
Annual cost of cybercrime in the U.S. 2017-2028
Detailed statistics
Annual number of complaints about internet crime 2000-2023
Detailed statistics
U.S. points of contacts in fraud incidents 2023
Annual cost of cybercrime in the U.S. 2017-2028
Estimated annual cost of cybercrime in the United States from 2017 to 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global biggest cybersecurity threats in the following year per CISOs 2024
Most significant cybersecurity threats in organizations worldwide according to Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) as of February 2024
Most reported cybercrime in the U.S. 2023, by number of individuals affected
Most commonly reported cybercrime categories in the United States in 2023, by number of individuals affected
Annual number of complaints about internet crime 2000-2023
Annual number of incoming complaints about internet crime on the IC3 website from 2000 to 2023 (in 1,000s)
Financial losses in cybercrime in the U.S. 2023, by state
Highest losses through cybercrime in the United States in 2023, by state (in million U.S. dollars)
U.S. cybercrime victims 2023, by age
Number of cybercrime victims in the United States in 2023, by age group
U.S. points of contacts in fraud incidents 2023
Distribution of fraud in the United States in 2023, by contact method
Financial damage to U.S. fraud reported to the FTC in 2024 YTD, by contact method
Monetary losses connected to fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States in 2024 YTD, by contact method (in million U.S. dollars)
U.S. fraud that resulted in financial damage in 2023, by method
Share of fraud cases in the United States that resulted in monetary losses in 2023, by contact method
Frequency of encountering scams among U.S. adults 2023, by age
Frequency of receiving scam texts, e-mails, and calls among adults in the United States as of March 2023, by age group
Frequency of encountering scams among U.S. adults 2023, by gender
Frequency of receiving scam texts, e-mails, and calls among adults in the United States as of March 2023, by gender
Concern among U.S. adults about scamming 2023, by gender
Share of adults in the United States who think scam texts, e-mails, and calls are a serious problem as of March 2023, by gender
Concern among U.S. adults about scamming 2023, by age
Share of adults in the United States who think scam texts, e-mails, and calls are a serious problem as of March 2023, by age group
U.S. number of phishing victims 2018-2023
Number of phishing attack victims in the United States from 2018 to 2023
Phishing: distribution of attacks 2023, by region
Countries most targeted by phishing attacks worldwide in 2023
Phishing: most targeted organizations worldwide 2023, by industry
Worldwide organizations most targeted by phishing attacks in 2023, by industry
Failure rates for phishing simulations in companies worldwide 2021-2023, by industry
Average failure rates for phishing simulations in worldwide organizations in 2021 and 2023, by industry
Global mobile phishing rate Q4 2022-Q2 2023, by region
Mobile phishing encounter rate worldwide from 4th quarter 2022 to 2nd quarter 2023, by region
Spam share of global email traffic 2011-2023
Global spam volume as percentage of total e-mail traffic from 2011 to 2023
Spam e-mail: leading countries of origin of spam 2023
Leading countries of origin for unsolicited spam e-mails in 2023, by share of worldwide spam volume
Global business e-mail compromise (BEC) types 2023
Distribution of business e-mail compromise (BEC) types in worldwide organizations from January to April 2023
U.S. number of BEC victims 2020-2023
Number of business e-mail compromise (BEC) victims in the United States from 2020 to 2023
Annual U.S. BEC victims monetary loss 2020-2023
Annual amount of monetary loss of business e-mail compromise (BEC) victims in the United States from 2020 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Global consumer confidence about online personal data security 2023
Worldwide internet user attitudes regarding online identity theft as of January 2023
Identity theft consequences for victims worldwide 2023
Most common consequences of identity theft experienced by adults worldwide as of January 2023
Global identity theft attitudes among adults 2023, by country
Attitudes toward identity theft among adults in selected countries worldwide as of January 2023
U.S. companies impersonated in scams 2023
Companies frequently impersonated in scams in the United States in 2023
U.S. payment apps and services used in scams 2023
Payment apps or services frequently used in scam payments in the United States in 2023
Share of impersonation cases contacted via e-mail U.S. 2020-2023
Share of impersonation cases in the United States where victims were contacted via e-mail in 2020 and 2023
Share of cryptocurrency payments in impersonations U.S. 2020-2023
Share of cryptocurrency payments in government and company impersonations the United States in 2020 and 2023
Monetary losses of U.S. companies impersonated in scams 2023
Financial losses of companies impersonated in scams in the United States in 2023 (in U.S. dollars)
Financial loss via impersonation with cryptocurrency payments U.S. 2020-2023
Financial losses through impersonation in the United States that involved cryptocurrency payments in 2020 and 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)
Share of U.S. adults encountering financial cybercrime or online financial fraud 2023
Share of adults in the United States who experienced financial cybercrime or online financial fraud as of September 2023
Share of U.S. adults encountering financial cybercrime 2023, by type of crime
Share of adults in the United States who experienced financial cybercrime or online financial fraud as of September 2023, by type of crime
Share of U.S. adults encountering financial cybercrime 2023, by age
Share of adults in the United States who experienced financial cybercrime or online financial fraud as of September 2023, by age group
Actions of U.S. adults after encountering financial cybercrime 2023
Actions taken by adults in the United States after experiencing financial cybercrime or online financial fraud as of September 2023
Share of worldwide adults experiencing romance scam 2023, by country
Share of adults in selected countries worldwide who had fallen victim to online dating scams as of January 2023
U.S. states with highest losses through romance scams 2023
U.S. states with highest financial losses through romance scams in 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)
U.S. number of romance scam cases 2023, by state
Number of romance scam cases in the United States in 2023, by state
Number of cybercrime victims among U.S. seniors 2022-2023, by type
Number of cybercrime victims among individuals over 60 years in the United States from 2022 to 2023, by type of crime
Financial losses of U.S. seniors through cybercrime 2022-2023, by type
Monetary losses of cybercrime victims among individuals over 60 years in the United States in 2023, by type of crime (in million U.S. dollars)
U.S. social media scam types distribution by highest reported losses H1 2023
Distribution of social media scam types with the highest losses in the in the United States in 1st half of 2023
U.S. social media scam types distribution H1 2023
Distribution of most frequently encountered social media scam types in the United States in the 1st half of 2023
Most common risky actions taken by end users worldwide 2024
Most common risky end-user behavior and attitudes worldwide in 2024
Actions of U.S. adults for online security 2023
Actions taken by adults in the United States for online security as of September 2023
U.S. adults on government actions sufficiency against scammers 2023, by age
Share of adults in the United States who think the government should do more against scam activities as of March 2023, by age group
U.S. adults on government actions sufficiency against scammers 2023, by gender
Share of adults in the United States who think the government should do more against scam activities as of March 2023, by gender
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