Key insights
- Smart hospital market value in 2021
- 30bn

Detailed statistics
Smart hospital market value forecast 2018-2026
- Electronic health records in Smart hospitals market value in 2021
- 7.6bn USD

Detailed statistics
Smart hospital: market value of electronic health records 2018-2026
- Remote medicine management in Smart hospitals market value in 2021
- 10.6bn uSD

Detailed statistics
Smart hospital: market value of remote medicine management 2018-2026
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The smart hospital market
- Premium Statistic Smart hospital market value forecast 2018-2026
- Premium Statistic Smart hospital: market value of electronic health records 2018-2026
- Premium Statistic Smart hospital: market value of remote medicine management 2018-2026
- Premium Statistic Smart hospital: market value of outpatient vigilance 2018-2026
- Premium Statistic Focus areas of projects initiated by U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
The smart hospital market
Premium Statistic
Smart hospital market value forecast 2018-2026
Smart hospital market value forecast 2018-2026
Annual value of the smart hospital market from 2018 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Smart hospital: market value of electronic health records 2018-2026
Smart hospital: market value of electronic health records 2018-2026
Market value of electronic health records & clinical workflow in Smart Hospitals, from 2018 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Smart hospital: market value of remote medicine management 2018-2026
Smart hospital: market value of remote medicine management 2018-2026
Market value of remote medicine management in Smart Hospitals, from 2018 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Smart hospital: market value of outpatient vigilance 2018-2026
Smart hospital: market value of outpatient vigilance 2018-2026
Market value of outpatient vigilance in Smart Hospitals, from 2018 to 2026 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Focus areas of projects initiated by U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Focus areas of projects initiated by U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Projects conducted by U.S. based healthcare organizations in 2019, by area of focus
The smart hospital market drivers
- Basic Statistic World population - forecast about the development 2024-2100
- Basic Statistic Global life expectancy at birth by gender 1950-2100
- Premium Statistic Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP in select countries 2023
- Basic Statistic Distribution of health expenditure in select countries worldwide 2021, by provider
- Premium Statistic Global digital health market size 2019-2025 forecast
The smart hospital market drivers
Basic Statistic
World population - forecast about the development 2024-2100
World population - forecast about the development 2024-2100
Forecast about the development of the world population from 2024 to 2100 (in billions)
Basic Statistic
Global life expectancy at birth by gender 1950-2100
Global life expectancy at birth by gender 1950-2100
Global life expectancy at birth by gender from 1950 to 2023, with projections until 2100
Premium Statistic
Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP in select countries 2023
Health expenditure as a percentage of GDP in select countries 2023
Health expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) in selected countries as of 2023
Basic Statistic
Distribution of health expenditure in select countries worldwide 2021, by provider
Distribution of health expenditure in select countries worldwide 2021, by provider
Distribution of current health expenditure in select countries worldwide in 2021, by care provider
Premium Statistic
Global digital health market size 2019-2025 forecast
Global digital health market size 2019-2025 forecast
Projected global digital health market size from 2019 to 2025* (in billion U.S. dollars)
Electronic health records
- Premium Statistic Share of doctors using electronic health records in Europe 2020
- Premium Statistic Share of health organizations able to remotely access select data U.S. 2018-2019
- Premium Statistic Projected growth in global healthcare data volume 2020
- Premium Statistic Total EHR market size forecast worldwide 2015-2024
Electronic health records
Premium Statistic
Share of doctors using electronic health records in Europe 2020
Share of doctors using electronic health records in Europe 2020
Share of clinicians using electronic health records (EHR) in selected European countries in 2020, by country
Premium Statistic
Share of health organizations able to remotely access select data U.S. 2018-2019
Share of health organizations able to remotely access select data U.S. 2018-2019
Percentage of U.S. healthcare organizations able to access select data from outside the hospital network in 2018 and 2019
Premium Statistic
Projected growth in global healthcare data volume 2020
Projected growth in global healthcare data volume 2020
Total amount of global healthcare data generated in 2013 and a projection for 2020* (in exabytes)
Premium Statistic
Total EHR market size forecast worldwide 2015-2024
Total EHR market size forecast worldwide 2015-2024
Total global electronic health records market forecast from 2015 to 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Artificial intelligence
- Premium Statistic AI and ML deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
- Premium Statistic Share of clinical doctors using Artificial Intelligence in Europe 2020
- Premium Statistic Top 10 startups for artificial intelligence in healthcare worldwide, August 2020
- Premium Statistic Global healthcare artificial intelligence market size 2017 & 2025
Artificial intelligence
Premium Statistic
AI and ML deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
AI and ML deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Share of U.S. based C-suite executives who stated that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) were deployed in their healthcare organization in 2019, by market value
Premium Statistic
Share of clinical doctors using Artificial Intelligence in Europe 2020
Share of clinical doctors using Artificial Intelligence in Europe 2020
Share of clinicians using Artificial Intelligence technologies (AI) in selected European countries in 2020, by country
Premium Statistic
Top 10 startups for artificial intelligence in healthcare worldwide, August 2020
Top 10 startups for artificial intelligence in healthcare worldwide, August 2020
Top 10 artificial intelligence startups in healthcare worldwide, as of August 2020 (in million U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Global healthcare artificial intelligence market size 2017 & 2025
Global healthcare artificial intelligence market size 2017 & 2025
Global market size for artificial intelligence in healthcare in 2016, 2017 and a forecast for 2025 (in million U.S. dollars)
Premium Statistic
Robotic Process Automation deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Robotic Process Automation deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Share of U.S. based C-suite executives who stated that Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was deployed in their healthcare organization in 2019, by market value
Premium Statistic
Share of clinical doctors using robotics in Europe 2020
Share of clinical doctors using robotics in Europe 2020
Share of clinicians using robotics in selected European countries in 2020, by country
Premium Statistic
Global roboticare market 2018 vs 2029
Global roboticare market 2018 vs 2029
Global roboticare market in 2018 and a forecast for 2029 (in million U.S. dollars)
Virtual Reality & Augmented reality
Premium Statistic
Virtual/Augmented Reality deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Virtual/Augmented Reality deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Share of U.S. based C-suite executives who stated that Virtual/Augmented Reality was deployed in their healthcare organization in 2019, by market value
Premium Statistic
Share of clinical doctors using virtual reality in Europe 2020
Share of clinical doctors using virtual reality in Europe 2020
Share of clinicians using virtual reality in selected European countries in 2020, by country
Premium Statistic
Virtual reality health care market value U.S. 2012 to 2017
Virtual reality health care market value U.S. 2012 to 2017
Value of the virtual reality health care market in the U.S. from 2012 to 2017 (in million U.S. dollars)
3D printing
- Premium Statistic 3D printing deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
- Premium Statistic Hospitals with centralized Materialise 3D printing facilities worldwide 2019
- Premium Statistic Hospitals with Materialise 3D printing facilities in the US 2010-2019
- Premium Statistic Medical 3D printing market value worldwide 2014-2024, by category
3D printing
Premium Statistic
3D printing deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
3D printing deployment in U.S. healthcare organizations 2019
Share of U.S. based C-suite executives who stated that 3D printing was deployed in their healthcare organization in 2019, by market value
Premium Statistic
Hospitals with centralized Materialise 3D printing facilities worldwide 2019
Hospitals with centralized Materialise 3D printing facilities worldwide 2019
Number of hospitals with a centralized 3D printing facility using Materialise Mimic tech in 2019, by region/country
Premium Statistic
Hospitals with Materialise 3D printing facilities in the US 2010-2019
Hospitals with Materialise 3D printing facilities in the US 2010-2019
Number of U.S. hospitals with a centralized 3D printing facility using Materialise Mimics tech from 2010 to 2019
Premium Statistic
Medical 3D printing market value worldwide 2014-2024, by category
Medical 3D printing market value worldwide 2014-2024, by category
Medical 3D printing market value worldwide from 2014 to 2024, by category (in million U.S. dollars)
Smart hospital professionals
- Premium Statistic Share of clinical doctors using digital technologies in Europe 2020, by technology
- Premium Statistic Young health professionals' experiences of smart, digital, and analog hospitals 2020
- Premium Statistic Future eHealth trends for European health facilities in 2019
- Premium Statistic eHealth priorities for European health facilities in 2019
Smart hospital professionals
Premium Statistic
Share of clinical doctors using digital technologies in Europe 2020, by technology
Share of clinical doctors using digital technologies in Europe 2020, by technology
Share of clinicians using different types of digital technologies in Europe in 2020, by technology
Premium Statistic
Young health professionals' experiences of smart, digital, and analog hospitals 2020
Young health professionals' experiences of smart, digital, and analog hospitals 2020
Experiences and recommendations of young healthcare professionals worldwide working in smart, digital, and analog hospitals/practices as of January 2020
Premium Statistic
Future eHealth trends for European health facilities in 2019
Future eHealth trends for European health facilities in 2019
What are the biggest eHealth trends for health facilities within the next 2-3 years?
Premium Statistic
eHealth priorities for European health facilities in 2019
eHealth priorities for European health facilities in 2019
What are the biggest eHealth priorities for health facilities at the moment?
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